
Loggers, loggers everywhere
Author curtd
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2023


Stable Dev Build Status

HierarchicalLogging defines the HierarchicalLogger type, a Base.Logging-compatible logger which can be used to associate a collection of loggers to hierarchically-related objects. E.g., each node N is associated with a .-delimited key

key(N) = key₁.key₂. ... .keyₙ

and a node P is the parent of node C if startswith(label(C), label(P)).

The prototypical example is the module -> submodule relationship in Julia, but you might have your own hierarchically-related objects that you'd like to associate a logger with.

Each node has an associated LogLevel which can be set via min_enabled_level!(logger, key, level), which also recursively sets the level of all children of the node with key. This can be helpful for loggers tied to specific submodules which are particularly noisy.


using HierarchicalLogging, Logging

module A
    module B
       module C
module A1
    module B1
module A2 
# Logger attached to the root has the lowest possible logging level 
h = HierarchicalLogger(ConsoleLogger(All))
insert_logger!(h, A.B, ConsoleLogger(Warn))
insert_logger!(h, A1, ConsoleLogger(Debug))
@info "Hey" _module=A.B.C _file=nothing _line=1
@warn "Uhoh" _module=A.B.C _file=nothing _line=1
# A was never registered to h, so it will use the root logger to log
@debug "In A" _module=A _file=nothing _line=1


[ Info: Hey
┌ Warning: Uhoh
└ @ Main.A.B.C
┌ Debug: In A
└ @ Main.A
# A wasn't registered before, this will create a copy tied to A with its own log level + set its children to level Error 
min_enabled_level!(h, A, Error)
@warn "This will be ignored" _module=A.B.C _file=nothing _line=1
@error "This won't" _module=A.B _file=nothing _line=1
min_enabled_level!(h, A, Off)
@error "Can't see this" _module=A.B _file=nothing _line=1
@error "This will still show" _module=A2 _file=nothing _line=1


┌ Error: This won't
└ @ Main.A.B
┌ Error: This will still show
└ @ Main.A2

Inspired by Memento

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