
Author BioJulia
3 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
October 2018


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Latest Release MIT license Stable documentation Latest documentation

This project follows the semver pro forma and uses the git-flow branching model.


Handles indexes required to iterate through various IO streams. For example:

  • Generic index for tab-delimited files.
  • An index type for BGZFStream.


The Indexes package is bundled into packages like BED, GFF3, and XAM to assist them with IO streams, so you may not need to install this package explicitly. However, if you do, Indexes is made available to install through the General package registry.

You can install Indexes from the Julia REPL. Press ] to enter pkg mode, then enter the following command:

add Indexes

If you are interested in the cutting edge of the development, please check out the develop branch to try new features before release.


Indexes is tested against Julia 1.X on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Latest build status:

Unit Tests Downstream Build Documentation codecov


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