
Particle-in-Cell advection
Author JuliaGeodynamics
10 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
June 2022

Dev DOI CPU UnitTests GPU UnitTests codecov


Particle-in-Cell advection ready to rock the GPU ๐Ÿš€


This package is still under development and the API is not stable yet.


The first step is to chose whether we want to run our simulation on the CPU or Nvidia or AMD GPUs. This is done by setting the backend variable to either CUDABackend, AMDGPUBackend or CPUBackend. In the following we will assume that we are running on a Nvidia GPU.

const backend = CUDABackend # Options: CPUBackend, CUDABackend, AMDGPUBackend

and load the required packages:

using JustPIC, JustPIC._2D
using GLMakie

Define domain and grids of the domain:

# number of grid points
n            = 257
# number of cells
nx           = ny = n-1
# domain size
Lx           = Ly = 1.0
# nodal vertices
xvi = xv, yv = range(0, Lx, length=n), range(0, Ly, length=n)
# grid spacing
dxi = dx, dy = xv[2] - xv[1], yv[2] - yv[1]
# nodal centers
xci = xc, yc = range(0+dx/2, Lx-dx/2, length=n-1), range(0+dy/2, Ly-dy/2, length=n-1)
# staggered grid velocity nodal locations
grid_vx      = xv, expand_range(yc)
grid_vy      = expand_range(xc), yv

where expand_range is a helper function that expands a range by one element on each side:

function expand_range(x::AbstractRange)
    dx = x[2] - x[1]
    n = length(x)
    x1, x2 = extrema(x)
    xI = round(x1-dx; sigdigits=5)
    xF = round(x2+dx; sigdigits=5)
    range(xI, xF, length=n+2)

Now we can initialize the particles object

nxcell    = 24 # initial number of particles per cell
max_xcell = 48 # maximum number of particles per cell
min_xcell = 12 # minimum number of particles per cell
    particles = init_particles(
        backend, nxcell, max_xcell, min_xcell, xvi, dxi, (nx, ny)

The velocity field is defined by the stream function $\psi=\frac{250}{\pi}\sin(\pi x)\cos(\pi y)$, so that the analytical velocity field at the particle $p=p(x,y)$ is given by

vx_stream(x, y) =   250 * sin(ฯ€*x) * cos(ฯ€*y)
vy_stream(x, y) =  -250 * cos(ฯ€*x) * sin(ฯ€*y)

and therefore the velocity field (with ghost nodes) on the staggered grid is given by

Vx = TA(backend)([vx_stream(x, y) for x in grid_vx[1], y in grid_vx[2]]);
Vy = TA(backend)([vy_stream(x, y) for x in grid_vy[1], y in grid_vy[2]]);
V  = Vx, Vy
dt = min(dx / maximum(abs.(Vx)),  dy / maximum(abs.(Vy))) # time step

where TA(backend) is a type alias for either Array, CuArray or ROCArray.

We save the initial particle positions:

pxv = particles.coords[1].data;
pyv = particles.coords[2].data;
idxv = particles.index.data;
p = [(pxv[idxv][1], pyv[idxv][1])]

chose the advection scheme

advection_scheme = RungeKutta2()

and finally perform the time iterations:

 # Advection test
particle_args = ()
niter = 750
for iter in 1:niter
    # advect particles
    advection!(particles, advection_scheme, V, (grid_vx, grid_vy), dt)
    # shuffle particles in the memory to keep the spatial locality tight
    move_particles!(particles, xvi, particle_args)
    # save particle position
    pxv = particles.coords[1].data;
    pyv = particles.coords[2].data;
    idxv = particles.index.data;
    p_i = (pxv[idxv][1], pyv[idxv][1])
    push!(p, p_i)

where particle_args is an empty tuple, but typically it contains the fields that are advected with the particles (e.g. temperature). At last, we plot the particle trajectory on top of the stream function:

using GLMakie
g(x) = Point2f(
    vx_stream(x[1], x[2]),
    vy_stream(x[1], x[2])
f, ax, = streamplot(g, xvi...)
lines!(ax, p, color=:red)


The development of this package is supported by the GPU4GEO PASC project.

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