
Pure julia implementation of Multiple Affine Invariant Sampling for efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation
Author francescoalemanno
29 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
June 2020

KissABC 3.0

CI Coverage Dev Stable

Table of Contents

Release Notes

  • 3.0: Added SMC algorithm callable with smc for efficient Approximate bayesian computation, the speedup is 20X for reaching the same epsilon tolerance. Removed AISChain return type in favour of MonteCarloMeasurements particle, this change allows immediate use of the inference results for further processing.

Usage guide

The ingredients you need to use Approximate Bayesian Computation:

  1. A simulation which depends on some parameters, able to generate datasets similar to your target dataset if parameters are tuned
  2. A prior distribution over such parameters
  3. A distance function to compare generated dataset to the true dataset

We will start with a simple example, we have a dataset generated according to an Normal distribution whose parameters are unknown


we are ofcourse able to simulate normal random numbers, so this constitutes our simulation

sim((μ,σ)) = randn(1000) .* σ .+ μ

The second ingredient is a prior over the parameters μ and σ

using KissABC
prior=Factored(Uniform(1,3), Truncated(Normal(0,0.1), 0, 100))

we have chosen a uniform distribution over the interval [1,3] for μ and a normal distribution truncated over ℝ⁺ for σ.

Now all that we need is a distance function to compare the true dataset to the simulated dataset, for this purpose comparing mean and variance is optimal,

function cost((μ,σ)) 
    d1 = mean(x) - mean(y)
    d2 = std(x) - std(y)
    hypot(d1, d2 * 50)

Now we are all set, we can use AIS which is an Affine Invariant MC algorithm via the sample function, to simulate the posterior distribution for this model, inferring μ and σ

approx_density = ApproxKernelizedPosterior(prior,cost,0.005)
res = sample(approx_density,AIS(10),1000,ntransitions=100)

the repl output is:

Sampling 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:02
2-element Array{Particles{Float64,1000},1}:
 2.0 ± 0.018
 0.0395 ± 0.00093

We chose a tolerance on distances equal to 0.005, a number of particles equal to 10, we chose a number of steps per sample ntransitions = 100 and we acquired 1000 samples. For comparison let's extract some prior samples

prsample=[rand(prior) for i in 1:5000] #some samples from the prior for comparison

plotting prior and posterior side by side we get:

plots of the Inference Results

we can see that the algorithm has correctly inferred both parameters, this exact recipe will work for much more complicated models and simulations, with some tuning.

to this same problem we can perhaps even more easily apply smc, a more advanced adaptive sequential monte carlo method

julia> smc(prior,cost)
(P = Particles{Float64,79}[2.0 ± 0.0062, 0.0401 ± 0.00081], W = 0.0127, ϵ = 0.011113205245491245)

to know how to tune the configuration defaults of smc, consult the docs :) for more example look at the examples folder.

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