
A Julia package generated using the OpenAPI Generator, providing a convenient API client for interacting with Mattermost chat platforms, supporting various operations and data models with seamless integration.
Author Azzaare
1 Star
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
April 2023

Julia API client for MatterMost

Note about the openapi.json file

The original openapi.json file is not directly compatible with the julia-client generator. The following changes were made to the file:

  • The tags with "ldap" or "LDAP" strings were unified into "LDAP"
  • The _ character was used once as a field name resulting in unamed keyword argument in the Julia code. This has been fixed by replacing the _ with update_time. The change was made according to the description of the item.

The modified .json file can be found at /openapi/openapi-v4.0.0-FIXED.json and the original file can be found at /openapi/openapi-v4.0.0.json.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 4.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JuliaClientCodegen


Place the Julia files generated under the src folder in your Julia project. Include MatterMost.jl in the project code. It would include the module named MatterMost.

Documentation is generated as markdown files under the docs folder. You can include them in your project documentation. Documentation is also embedded in Julia which can be used with a Julia specific documentation generator.

API Endpoints

Class Method
AuthenticationApi migrate_auth_to_ldap
POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap
Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
AuthenticationApi migrate_auth_to_saml
POST /users/migrate_auth/saml
Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
BleveApi purge_bleve_indexes
POST /bleve/purge_indexes
Purge all Bleve indexes
BotsApi assign_bot
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/assign/{user_id}
Assign a bot to a user
BotsApi convert_bot_to_user
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/convert_to_user
Convert a bot into a user
BotsApi convert_user_to_bot
POST /users/{user_id}/convert_to_bot
Convert a user into a bot
BotsApi create_bot
POST /bots
Create a bot
BotsApi delete_bot_icon_image
DELETE /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon
Delete bot's LHS icon image
BotsApi disable_bot
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/disable
Disable a bot
BotsApi enable_bot
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/enable
Enable a bot
BotsApi get_bot
GET /bots/{bot_user_id}
Get a bot
BotsApi get_bot_icon_image
GET /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon
Get bot's LHS icon
BotsApi get_bots
GET /bots
Get bots
BotsApi patch_bot
PUT /bots/{bot_user_id}
Patch a bot
BotsApi set_bot_icon_image
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon
Set bot's LHS icon image
BrandApi delete_brand_image
DELETE /brand/image
Delete current brand image
BrandApi get_brand_image
GET /brand/image
Get brand image
BrandApi upload_brand_image
POST /brand/image
Upload brand image
ChannelsApi add_channel_member
POST /channels/{channel_id}/members
Add user to channel
ChannelsApi autocomplete_channels_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/autocomplete
Autocomplete channels
ChannelsApi autocomplete_channels_for_team_for_search
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/search_autocomplete
Autocomplete channels for search
ChannelsApi channel_members_minus_group_members
GET /channels/{channel_id}/members_minus_group_members
Channel members minus group members.
ChannelsApi create_channel
POST /channels
Create a channel
ChannelsApi create_direct_channel
POST /channels/direct
Create a direct message channel
ChannelsApi create_group_channel
POST /channels/group
Create a group message channel
ChannelsApi create_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user
POST /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories
Create user's sidebar category
ChannelsApi delete_channel
DELETE /channels/{channel_id}
Delete a channel
ChannelsApi get_all_channels
GET /channels
Get a list of all channels
ChannelsApi get_channel
GET /channels/{channel_id}
Get a channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_by_name
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/name/{channel_name}
Get a channel by name
ChannelsApi get_channel_by_name_for_team_name
GET /teams/name/{team_name}/channels/name/{channel_name}
Get a channel by name and team name
ChannelsApi get_channel_member
GET /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}
Get channel member
ChannelsApi get_channel_member_counts_by_group
GET /channels/{channel_id}/member_counts_by_group
Channel members counts for each group that has atleast one member in the channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_members
GET /channels/{channel_id}/members
Get channel members
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_by_ids
POST /channels/{channel_id}/members/ids
Get channel members by ids
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/members
Get channel memberships and roles for a user
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_timezones
GET /channels/{channel_id}/timezones
Get timezones in a channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_moderations
GET /channels/{channel_id}/moderations
Get information about channel's moderation.
ChannelsApi get_channel_stats
GET /channels/{channel_id}/stats
Get channel statistics
ChannelsApi get_channel_unread
GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/unread
Get unread messages
ChannelsApi get_channels_for_team_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels
Get channels for user
ChannelsApi get_channels_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/channels
Get all channels from all teams
ChannelsApi get_deleted_channels_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/deleted
Get deleted channels
ChannelsApi get_pinned_posts
GET /channels/{channel_id}/pinned
Get a channel's pinned posts
ChannelsApi get_private_channels_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/private
Get private channels
ChannelsApi get_public_channels_by_ids_for_team
POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/ids
Get a list of channels by ids
ChannelsApi get_public_channels_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/channels
Get public channels
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_categories_for_team_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories
Get user's sidebar categories
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id}
Get sidebar category
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_category_order_for_team_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/order
Get user's sidebar category order
ChannelsApi move_channel
POST /channels/{channel_id}/move
Move a channel
ChannelsApi patch_channel
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/patch
Patch a channel
ChannelsApi patch_channel_moderations
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/moderations/patch
Update a channel's moderation settings.
ChannelsApi remove_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user
DELETE /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id}
Delete sidebar category
ChannelsApi remove_user_from_channel
DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}
Remove user from channel
ChannelsApi restore_channel
POST /channels/{channel_id}/restore
Restore a channel
ChannelsApi search_all_channels
POST /channels/search
Search all private and open type channels across all teams
ChannelsApi search_archived_channels
POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search_archived
Search archived channels
ChannelsApi search_channels
POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search
Search channels
ChannelsApi search_group_channels
POST /channels/group/search
Search Group Channels
ChannelsApi update_channel
PUT /channels/{channel_id}
Update a channel
ChannelsApi update_channel_member_scheme_roles
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles
Update the scheme-derived roles of a channel member.
ChannelsApi update_channel_notify_props
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/notify_props
Update channel notifications
ChannelsApi update_channel_privacy
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/privacy
Update channel's privacy
ChannelsApi update_channel_roles
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/roles
Update channel roles
ChannelsApi update_channel_scheme
PUT /channels/{channel_id}/scheme
Set a channel's scheme
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_categories_for_team_for_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories
Update user's sidebar categories
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id}
Update sidebar category
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_category_order_for_team_for_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/order
Update user's sidebar category order
ChannelsApi view_channel
POST /channels/members/{user_id}/view
View channel
CloudApi confirm_customer_payment
POST /cloud/payment/confirm
Completes the payment setup intent
CloudApi create_customer_payment
POST /cloud/payment
Create a customer setup payment intent
CloudApi get_cloud_customer
GET /cloud/customer
Get cloud customer
CloudApi get_cloud_limits
GET /cloud/limits
Get cloud workspace limits
CloudApi get_cloud_products
GET /cloud/products
Get cloud products
CloudApi get_invoice_for_subscription_as_pdf
GET /cloud/subscription/invoices/{invoice_id}/pdf
Get cloud invoice PDF
CloudApi get_invoices_for_subscription
GET /cloud/subscription/invoices
Get cloud subscription invoices
CloudApi get_subscription
GET /cloud/subscription
Get cloud subscription
CloudApi post_endpoint_for_cws_webhooks
POST /cloud/webhook
POST endpoint for CWS Webhooks
CloudApi update_cloud_customer
PUT /cloud/customer
Update cloud customer
CloudApi update_cloud_customer_address
PUT /cloud/customer/address
Update cloud customer address
ClusterApi get_cluster_status
GET /cluster/status
Get cluster status
CommandsApi create_command
POST /commands
Create a command
CommandsApi delete_command
DELETE /commands/{command_id}
Delete a command
CommandsApi execute_command
POST /commands/execute
Execute a command
CommandsApi get_command_by_id
GET /commands/{command_id}
Get a command
CommandsApi list_autocomplete_commands
GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete
List autocomplete commands
CommandsApi list_command_autocomplete_suggestions
GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete_suggestions
List commands' autocomplete data
CommandsApi list_commands
GET /commands
List commands for a team
CommandsApi move_command
PUT /commands/{command_id}/move
Move a command
CommandsApi regen_command_token
PUT /commands/{command_id}/regen_token
Generate a new token
CommandsApi update_command
PUT /commands/{command_id}
Update a command
ComplianceApi create_compliance_report
POST /compliance/reports
Create report
ComplianceApi download_compliance_report
GET /compliance/reports/{report_id}/download
Download a report
ComplianceApi get_compliance_report
GET /compliance/reports/{report_id}
Get a report
ComplianceApi get_compliance_reports
GET /compliance/reports
Get reports
DataRetentionApi add_channels_to_retention_policy
POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels
Add channels to a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi add_teams_to_retention_policy
POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams
Add teams to a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi create_data_retention_policy
POST /data_retention/policies
Create a new granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi delete_data_retention_policy
DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}
Delete a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_channel_policies_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/data_retention/channel_policies
Get the policies which are applied to a user's channels
DataRetentionApi get_channels_for_retention_policy
GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels
Get the channels for a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policies
GET /data_retention/policies
Get the granular data retention policies
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policies_count
GET /data_retention/policies_count
Get the number of granular data retention policies
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policy
GET /data_retention/policy
Get the global data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policy_by_i_d
GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}
Get a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_team_policies_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/data_retention/team_policies
Get the policies which are applied to a user's teams
DataRetentionApi get_teams_for_retention_policy
GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams
Get the teams for a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi patch_data_retention_policy
PATCH /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}
Patch a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi remove_channels_from_retention_policy
DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels
Delete channels from a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi remove_teams_from_retention_policy
DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams
Delete teams from a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi search_channels_for_retention_policy
POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels/search
Search for the channels in a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi search_teams_for_retention_policy
POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams/search
Search for the teams in a granular data retention policy
ElasticsearchApi purge_elasticsearch_indexes
POST /elasticsearch/purge_indexes
Purge all Elasticsearch indexes
ElasticsearchApi test_elasticsearch
POST /elasticsearch/test
Test Elasticsearch configuration
EmojiApi autocomplete_emoji
GET /emoji/autocomplete
Autocomplete custom emoji
EmojiApi create_emoji
POST /emoji
Create a custom emoji
EmojiApi delete_emoji
DELETE /emoji/{emoji_id}
Delete a custom emoji
EmojiApi get_emoji
GET /emoji/{emoji_id}
Get a custom emoji
EmojiApi get_emoji_by_name
GET /emoji/name/{emoji_name}
Get a custom emoji by name
EmojiApi get_emoji_image
GET /emoji/{emoji_id}/image
Get custom emoji image
EmojiApi get_emoji_list
GET /emoji
Get a list of custom emoji
EmojiApi search_emoji
POST /emoji/search
Search custom emoji
ExportsApi delete_export
DELETE /exports/{export_name}
Delete an export file
ExportsApi download_export
GET /exports/{export_name}
Download an export file
ExportsApi list_exports
GET /exports
List export files
FilesApi get_file
GET /files/{file_id}
Get a file
FilesApi get_file_info
GET /files/{file_id}/info
Get metadata for a file
FilesApi get_file_link
GET /files/{file_id}/link
Get a public file link
FilesApi get_file_preview
GET /files/{file_id}/preview
Get a file's preview
FilesApi get_file_public
GET /files/{file_id}/public
Get a public file
FilesApi get_file_thumbnail
GET /files/{file_id}/thumbnail
Get a file's thumbnail
FilesApi search_files
POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search
Search files in a team
FilesApi upload_file
POST /files
Upload a file
GroupsApi add_group_members
POST /groups/{group_id}/members
Adds members to a custom group
GroupsApi create_group
POST /groups
Create a custom group
GroupsApi delete_group
DELETE /groups/{group_id}
Deletes a custom group
GroupsApi delete_group_members
DELETE /groups/{group_id}/members
Removes members from a custom group
GroupsApi get_group
GET /groups/{group_id}
Get a group
GroupsApi get_group_stats
GET /groups/{group_id}/stats
Get group stats
GroupsApi get_group_syncable_for_channel_id
GET /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}
Get GroupSyncable from channel ID
GroupsApi get_group_syncable_for_team_id
GET /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}
Get GroupSyncable from Team ID
GroupsApi get_group_syncables_channels
GET /groups/{group_id}/channels
Get group channels
GroupsApi get_group_syncables_teams
GET /groups/{group_id}/teams
Get group teams
GroupsApi get_group_users
GET /groups/{group_id}/members
Get group users
GroupsApi get_groups
GET /groups
Get groups
GroupsApi get_groups_associated_to_channels_by_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/groups_by_channels
Get team groups by channels
GroupsApi get_groups_by_channel
GET /channels/{channel_id}/groups
Get channel groups
GroupsApi get_groups_by_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/groups
Get team groups
GroupsApi get_groups_by_user_id
GET /users/{user_id}/groups
Get groups for a userId
GroupsApi link_group_syncable_for_channel
POST /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/link
Link a channel to a group
GroupsApi link_group_syncable_for_team
POST /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/link
Link a team to a group
GroupsApi patch_group
PUT /groups/{group_id}/patch
Patch a group
GroupsApi patch_group_syncable_for_channel
PUT /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/patch
Patch a GroupSyncable associated to Channel
GroupsApi patch_group_syncable_for_team
PUT /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/patch
Patch a GroupSyncable associated to Team
GroupsApi unlink_group_syncable_for_channel
DELETE /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/link
Delete a link from a channel to a group
GroupsApi unlink_group_syncable_for_team
DELETE /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/link
Delete a link from a team to a group
GroupsApi unlink_ldap_group
DELETE /ldap/groups/{remote_id}/link
Delete a link for LDAP group
ImportsApi list_imports
GET /imports
List import files
InsightsApi get_new_team_members
GET /teams/{team_id}/top/team_members
Get a list of new team members.
InsightsApi get_top_channels_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/top/channels
Get a list of the top channels for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_channels_for_user
GET /users/me/top/channels
Get a list of the top channels for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_d_ms_for_user
GET /users/me/top/dms
Get a list of the top dms for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_reactions_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/top/reactions
Get a list of the top reactions for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_reactions_for_user
GET /users/me/top/reactions
Get a list of the top reactions for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_threads_for_team
GET /teams/{team_id}/top/threads
Get a list of the top threads for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_threads_for_user
GET /users/me/top/threads
Get a list of the top threads for a user.
IntegrationActionsApi open_interactive_dialog
POST /actions/dialogs/open
Open a dialog
IntegrationActionsApi submit_interactive_dialog
POST /actions/dialogs/submit
Submit a dialog
InternalApi create_playbook_run_from_dialog
POST /runs/dialog
Create a new playbook run from dialog
InternalApi end_playbook_run_dialog
POST /runs/{id}/end
End a playbook run from dialog
InternalApi get_checklist_autocomplete
GET /runs/checklist-autocomplete
Get autocomplete data for /playbook check
InternalApi next_stage_dialog
POST /runs/{id}/next-stage-dialog
Go to next stage from dialog
JobsApi cancel_job
POST /jobs/{job_id}/cancel
Cancel a job.
JobsApi create_job
POST /jobs
Create a new job.
JobsApi download_job
GET /jobs/{job_id}/download
Download the results of a job.
JobsApi get_job
GET /jobs/{job_id}
Get a job.
JobsApi get_jobs
GET /jobs
Get the jobs.
JobsApi get_jobs_by_type
GET /jobs/type/{type}
Get the jobs of the given type.
LDAPApi delete_ldap_private_certificate
DELETE /ldap/certificate/private
Remove private key
LDAPApi delete_ldap_public_certificate
DELETE /ldap/certificate/public
Remove public certificate
LDAPApi get_ldap_groups
GET /ldap/groups
Returns a list of LDAP groups
LDAPApi link_ldap_group
POST /ldap/groups/{remote_id}/link
Link a LDAP group
LDAPApi migrate_auth_to_ldap
POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap
Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
LDAPApi migrate_id_ldap
POST /ldap/migrateid
Migrate Id LDAP
LDAPApi sync_ldap
POST /ldap/sync
Sync with LDAP
LDAPApi test_ldap
POST /ldap/test
Test LDAP configuration
LDAPApi upload_ldap_private_certificate
POST /ldap/certificate/private
Upload private key
LDAPApi upload_ldap_public_certificate
POST /ldap/certificate/public
Upload public certificate
MigrateApi migrate_auth_to_ldap
POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap
Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
MigrateApi migrate_auth_to_saml
POST /users/migrate_auth/saml
Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
OAuthApi create_o_auth_app
POST /oauth/apps
Register OAuth app
OAuthApi delete_o_auth_app
DELETE /oauth/apps/{app_id}
Delete an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_authorized_o_auth_apps_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/oauth/apps/authorized
Get authorized OAuth apps
OAuthApi get_o_auth_app
GET /oauth/apps/{app_id}
Get an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_o_auth_app_info
GET /oauth/apps/{app_id}/info
Get info on an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_o_auth_apps
GET /oauth/apps
Get OAuth apps
OAuthApi regenerate_o_auth_app_secret
POST /oauth/apps/{app_id}/regen_secret
Regenerate OAuth app secret
OAuthApi update_o_auth_app
PUT /oauth/apps/{app_id}
Update an OAuth app
OpenGraphApi open_graph
POST /opengraph
Get open graph metadata for url
PermissionsApi get_ancillary_permissions
GET /permissions/ancillary
Return all system console subsection ancillary permissions
PlaybookAutofollowsApi get_auto_follows
GET /playbooks/{id}/autofollows
Get the list of followers' user IDs of a playbook
PlaybookRunsApi add_checklist_item
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/add
Add an item to a playbook run's checklist
PlaybookRunsApi change_owner
POST /runs/{id}/owner
Update playbook run owner
PlaybookRunsApi create_playbook_run_from_post
POST /runs
Create a new playbook run
PlaybookRunsApi end_playbook_run
PUT /runs/{id}/end
End a playbook run
PlaybookRunsApi finish
PUT /runs/{id}/finish
Finish a playbook
PlaybookRunsApi get_channels
GET /runs/channels
Get playbook run channels
PlaybookRunsApi get_owners
GET /runs/owners
Get all owners
PlaybookRunsApi get_playbook_run
GET /runs/{id}
Get a playbook run
PlaybookRunsApi get_playbook_run_by_channel_id
GET /runs/channel/{channel_id}
Find playbook run by channel ID
PlaybookRunsApi get_playbook_run_metadata
GET /runs/{id}/metadata
Get playbook run metadata
PlaybookRunsApi item_delete
DELETE /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}
Delete an item of a playbook run's checklist
PlaybookRunsApi item_rename
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}
Update an item of a playbook run's checklist
PlaybookRunsApi item_run
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/run
Run an item's slash command
PlaybookRunsApi item_set_assignee
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/assignee
Update the assignee of an item
PlaybookRunsApi item_set_state
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/state
Update the state of an item
PlaybookRunsApi list_playbook_runs
GET /runs
List all playbook runs
PlaybookRunsApi reoder_checklist_item
PUT /runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/reorder
Reorder an item in a playbook run's checklist
PlaybookRunsApi restart_playbook_run
PUT /runs/{id}/restart
Restart a playbook run
PlaybookRunsApi status
POST /runs/{id}/status
Update a playbook run's status
PlaybookRunsApi update_playbook_run
PATCH /runs/{id}
Update a playbook run
PlaybooksApi create_playbook
POST /playbooks
Create a playbook
PlaybooksApi delete_playbook
DELETE /playbooks/{id}
Delete a playbook
PlaybooksApi get_playbook
GET /playbooks/{id}
Get a playbook
PlaybooksApi get_playbooks
GET /playbooks
List all playbooks
PlaybooksApi update_playbook
PUT /playbooks/{id}
Update a playbook
PluginsApi disable_plugin
POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/disable
Disable plugin
PluginsApi enable_plugin
POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/enable
Enable plugin
PluginsApi get_marketplace_plugins
GET /plugins/marketplace
Gets all the marketplace plugins
PluginsApi get_marketplace_visited_by_admin
GET /plugins/marketplace/first_admin_visit
Get if the Plugin Marketplace has been visited by at least an admin.
PluginsApi get_plugin_statuses
GET /plugins/statuses
Get plugins status
PluginsApi get_plugins
GET /plugins
Get plugins
PluginsApi get_webapp_plugins
GET /plugins/webapp
Get webapp plugins
PluginsApi install_marketplace_plugin
POST /plugins/marketplace
Installs a marketplace plugin
PluginsApi install_plugin_from_url
POST /plugins/install_from_url
Install plugin from url
PluginsApi remove_plugin
DELETE /plugins/{plugin_id}
Remove plugin
PluginsApi upload_plugin
POST /plugins
Upload plugin
PostsApi create_post
POST /posts
Create a post
PostsApi create_post_ephemeral
POST /posts/ephemeral
Create a ephemeral post
PostsApi delete_post
DELETE /posts/{post_id}
Delete a post
PostsApi do_post_action
POST /posts/{post_id}/actions/{action_id}
Perform a post action
PostsApi get_file_infos_for_post
GET /posts/{post_id}/files/info
Get file info for post
PostsApi get_flagged_posts_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/posts/flagged
Get a list of flagged posts
PostsApi get_post
GET /posts/{post_id}
Get a post
PostsApi get_post_thread
GET /posts/{post_id}/thread
Get a thread
PostsApi get_posts_around_last_unread
GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/posts/unread
Get posts around oldest unread
PostsApi get_posts_by_ids
POST /posts/ids
Get posts by a list of ids
PostsApi get_posts_for_channel
GET /channels/{channel_id}/posts
Get posts for a channel
PostsApi patch_post
PUT /posts/{post_id}/patch
Patch a post
PostsApi pin_post
POST /posts/{post_id}/pin
Pin a post to the channel
PostsApi search_posts
POST /teams/{team_id}/posts/search
Search for team posts
PostsApi set_post_reminder
POST /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/reminder
Set a post reminder
PostsApi set_post_unread
POST /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/set_unread
Mark as unread from a post.
PostsApi unpin_post
POST /posts/{post_id}/unpin
Unpin a post to the channel
PostsApi update_post
PUT /posts/{post_id}
Update a post
PreferencesApi delete_preferences
POST /users/{user_id}/preferences/delete
Delete user's preferences
PreferencesApi get_preferences
GET /users/{user_id}/preferences
Get the user's preferences
PreferencesApi get_preferences_by_category
GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category}
List a user's preferences by category
PreferencesApi get_preferences_by_category_by_name
GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category}/name/{preference_name}
Get a specific user preference
PreferencesApi update_preferences
PUT /users/{user_id}/preferences
Save the user's preferences
ReactionsApi delete_reaction
DELETE /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/reactions/{emoji_name}
Remove a reaction from a post
ReactionsApi get_bulk_reactions
POST /posts/ids/reactions
Bulk get the reaction for posts
ReactionsApi get_reactions
GET /posts/{post_id}/reactions
Get a list of reactions to a post
ReactionsApi save_reaction
POST /reactions
Create a reaction
RolesApi get_all_roles
GET /roles
Get a list of all the roles
RolesApi get_role
GET /roles/{role_id}
Get a role
RolesApi get_role_by_name
GET /roles/name/{role_name}
Get a role
RolesApi get_roles_by_names
POST /roles/names
Get a list of roles by name
RolesApi patch_role
PUT /roles/{role_id}/patch
Patch a role
RootApi acknowledge_notification
POST /notifications/ack
Acknowledge receiving of a notification
SAMLApi delete_saml_idp_certificate
DELETE /saml/certificate/idp
Remove IDP certificate
SAMLApi delete_saml_private_certificate
DELETE /saml/certificate/private
Remove private key
SAMLApi delete_saml_public_certificate
DELETE /saml/certificate/public
Remove public certificate
SAMLApi get_saml_certificate_status
GET /saml/certificate/status
Get certificate status
SAMLApi get_saml_metadata
GET /saml/metadata
Get metadata
SAMLApi get_saml_metadata_from_idp
POST /saml/metadatafromidp
Get metadata from Identity Provider
SAMLApi migrate_auth_to_saml
POST /users/migrate_auth/saml
Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
SAMLApi reset_saml_auth_data_to_email
POST /saml/reset_auth_data
Reset AuthData to Email
SAMLApi upload_saml_idp_certificate
POST /saml/certificate/idp
Upload IDP certificate
SAMLApi upload_saml_private_certificate
POST /saml/certificate/private
Upload private key
SAMLApi upload_saml_public_certificate
POST /saml/certificate/public
Upload public certificate
SchemesApi create_scheme
POST /schemes
Create a scheme
SchemesApi delete_scheme
DELETE /schemes/{scheme_id}
Delete a scheme
SchemesApi get_channels_for_scheme
GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/channels
Get a page of channels which use this scheme.
SchemesApi get_scheme
GET /schemes/{scheme_id}
Get a scheme
SchemesApi get_schemes
GET /schemes
Get the schemes.
SchemesApi get_teams_for_scheme
GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/teams
Get a page of teams which use this scheme.
SchemesApi patch_scheme
PUT /schemes/{scheme_id}/patch
Patch a scheme
SearchApi search_files
POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search
Search files in a team
SharedChannelsApi get_all_shared_channels
GET /sharedchannels/{team_id}
Get all shared channels for team.
SharedChannelsApi get_remote_cluster_info
GET /sharedchannels/remote_info/{remote_id}
Get remote cluster info by ID for user.
StatusApi get_user_status
GET /users/{user_id}/status
Get user status
StatusApi get_users_statuses_by_ids
POST /users/status/ids
Get user statuses by id
StatusApi post_user_recent_custom_status_delete
POST /users/{user_id}/status/custom/recent/delete
Delete user's recent custom status
StatusApi remove_recent_custom_status
DELETE /users/{user_id}/status/custom/recent
Delete user's recent custom status
StatusApi unset_user_custom_status
DELETE /users/{user_id}/status/custom
Unsets user custom status
StatusApi update_user_custom_status
PUT /users/{user_id}/status/custom
Update user custom status
StatusApi update_user_status
PUT /users/{user_id}/status
Update user status
SystemApi check_integrity
POST /integrity
Perform a database integrity check
SystemApi clear_server_busy
DELETE /server_busy
Clears the server busy (high load) flag
SystemApi database_recycle
POST /database/recycle
Recycle database connections
SystemApi generate_support_packet
GET /system/support_packet
Download a zip file which contains helpful and useful information for troubleshooting your mattermost instance.
SystemApi get_analytics_old
GET /analytics/old
Get analytics
SystemApi get_audits
GET /audits
Get audits
SystemApi get_client_config
GET /config/client
Get client configuration
SystemApi get_client_license
GET /license/client
Get client license
SystemApi get_config
GET /config
Get configuration
SystemApi get_environment_config
GET /config/environment
Get configuration made through environment variables
SystemApi get_image_by_url
GET /image
Get an image by url
SystemApi get_logs
GET /logs
Get logs
SystemApi get_notices
GET /system/notices/{teamId}
Get notices for logged in user in specified team
SystemApi get_ping
GET /system/ping
Check system health
SystemApi get_prev_trial_license
GET /trial-license/prev
Get last trial license used
SystemApi get_redirect_location
GET /redirect_location
Get redirect location
SystemApi get_server_busy_expires
GET /server_busy
Get server busy expiry time.
SystemApi get_supported_timezone
GET /system/timezones
Retrieve a list of supported timezones
SystemApi get_warn_metrics_status
GET /warn_metrics/status
Get the warn metrics status (enabled or disabled)
SystemApi invalidate_caches
POST /caches/invalidate
Invalidate all the caches
SystemApi mark_notices_viewed
PUT /system/notices/view
Update notices as 'viewed'
SystemApi patch_config
PUT /config/patch
Patch configuration
SystemApi post_log
POST /logs
Add log message
SystemApi reload_config
POST /config/reload
Reload configuration
SystemApi remove_license_file
DELETE /license
Remove license file
SystemApi request_license_renewal_link
GET /license/renewal
Request the license renewal link
SystemApi request_trial_license
POST /trial-license
Request and install a trial license for your server
SystemApi restart_server
POST /restart
Restart the system after an upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi send_trial_license_warn_metric_ack
POST /warn_metrics/trial-license-ack/{warn_metric_id}
Request trial license and acknowledge a warning of a metric status
SystemApi send_warn_metric_ack
POST /warn_metrics/ack/{warn_metric_id}
Acknowledge a warning of a metric status
SystemApi set_server_busy
POST /server_busy
Set the server busy (high load) flag
SystemApi test_email
POST /email/test
Send a test email
SystemApi test_s3_connection
POST /file/s3_test
Test AWS S3 connection
SystemApi test_site_u_r_l
POST /site_url/test
Checks the validity of a Site URL
SystemApi update_config
PUT /config
Update configuration
SystemApi update_marketplace_visited_by_admin
POST /plugins/marketplace/first_admin_visit
Stores that the Plugin Marketplace has been visited by at least an admin.
SystemApi upgrade_to_enterprise
POST /upgrade_to_enterprise
Executes an inplace upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi upgrade_to_enterprise_status
GET /upgrade_to_enterprise/status
Get the current status for the inplace upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi upload_license_file
POST /license
Upload license file
TeamsApi add_team_member
POST /teams/{team_id}/members
Add user to team
TeamsApi add_team_member_from_invite
POST /teams/members/invite
Add user to team from invite
TeamsApi add_team_members
POST /teams/{team_id}/members/batch
Add multiple users to team
TeamsApi create_team
POST /teams
Create a team
TeamsApi get_all_teams
GET /teams
Get teams
TeamsApi get_team
GET /teams/{team_id}
Get a team
TeamsApi get_team_by_name
GET /teams/name/{name}
Get a team by name
TeamsApi get_team_icon
GET /teams/{team_id}/image
Get the team icon
TeamsApi get_team_invite_info
GET /teams/invite/{invite_id}
Get invite info for a team
TeamsApi get_team_member
GET /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}
Get a team member
TeamsApi get_team_members
GET /teams/{team_id}/members
Get team members
TeamsApi get_team_members_by_ids
POST /teams/{team_id}/members/ids
Get team members by ids
TeamsApi get_team_members_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/members
Get team members for a user
TeamsApi get_team_stats
GET /teams/{team_id}/stats
Get a team stats
TeamsApi get_team_unread
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/unread
Get unreads for a team
TeamsApi get_teams_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams
Get a user's teams
TeamsApi get_teams_unread_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/unread
Get team unreads for a user
TeamsApi import_team
POST /teams/{team_id}/import
Import a Team from other application
TeamsApi invalidate_email_invites
DELETE /teams/invites/email
Invalidate active email invitations
TeamsApi invite_guests_to_team
POST /teams/{team_id}/invite-guests/email
Invite guests to the team by email
TeamsApi invite_users_to_team
POST /teams/{team_id}/invite/email
Invite users to the team by email
TeamsApi patch_team
PUT /teams/{team_id}/patch
Patch a team
TeamsApi regenerate_team_invite_id
POST /teams/{team_id}/regenerate_invite_id
Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team
TeamsApi remove_team_icon
DELETE /teams/{team_id}/image
Remove the team icon
TeamsApi remove_team_member
DELETE /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}
Remove user from team
TeamsApi restore_team
POST /teams/{team_id}/restore
Restore a team
TeamsApi search_files
POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search
Search files in a team
TeamsApi search_teams
POST /teams/search
Search teams
TeamsApi set_team_icon
POST /teams/{team_id}/image
Sets the team icon
TeamsApi soft_delete_team
DELETE /teams/{team_id}
Delete a team
TeamsApi team_exists
GET /teams/name/{name}/exists
Check if team exists
TeamsApi team_members_minus_group_members
GET /teams/{team_id}/members_minus_group_members
Team members minus group members.
TeamsApi update_team
PUT /teams/{team_id}
Update a team
TeamsApi update_team_member_roles
PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/roles
Update a team member roles
TeamsApi update_team_member_scheme_roles
PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles
Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member.
TeamsApi update_team_privacy
PUT /teams/{team_id}/privacy
Update teams's privacy
TeamsApi update_team_scheme
PUT /teams/{team_id}/scheme
Set a team's scheme
TermsOfServiceApi create_terms_of_service
POST /terms_of_service
Creates a new terms of service
TermsOfServiceApi get_terms_of_service
GET /terms_of_service
Get latest terms of service
TermsOfServiceApi get_user_terms_of_service
GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service
Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
TermsOfServiceApi register_terms_of_service_action
POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service
Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
ThreadsApi get_thread_mention_counts_by_channel
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/mention_counts
Get all unread mention counts from followed threads, per-channel
ThreadsApi get_user_thread
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}
Get a thread followed by the user
ThreadsApi get_user_threads
GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads
Get all threads that user is following
ThreadsApi set_thread_unread_by_post_id
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/set_unread/{post_id}
Mark a thread that user is following as unread based on a post id
ThreadsApi start_following_thread
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/following
Start following a thread
ThreadsApi stop_following_thread
DELETE /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/following
Stop following a thread
ThreadsApi update_thread_read_for_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/read/{timestamp}
Mark a thread that user is following read state to the timestamp
ThreadsApi update_threads_read_for_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/read
Mark all threads that user is following as read
TimelineApi remove_timeline_event
DELETE /runs/{id}/timeline/{event-id}/
Remove a timeline event from the playbook run
UploadsApi create_upload
POST /uploads
Create an upload
UploadsApi get_upload
GET /uploads/{upload_id}
Get an upload session
UploadsApi upload_data
POST /uploads/{upload_id}
Perform a file upload
UsageApi get_posts_usage
GET /usage/posts
Get current usage of posts
UsageApi get_storage_usage
GET /usage/storage
Get the total file storage usage for the instance in bytes.
UsersApi attach_device_id
PUT /users/sessions/device
Attach mobile device
UsersApi autocomplete_users
GET /users/autocomplete
Autocomplete users
UsersApi check_user_mfa
POST /users/mfa
Check MFA
UsersApi convert_bot_to_user
POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/convert_to_user
Convert a bot into a user
UsersApi convert_user_to_bot
POST /users/{user_id}/convert_to_bot
Convert a user into a bot
UsersApi create_user
POST /users
Create a user
UsersApi create_user_access_token
POST /users/{user_id}/tokens
Create a user access token
UsersApi delete_user
DELETE /users/{user_id}
Deactivate a user account.
UsersApi demote_user_to_guest
POST /users/{user_id}/demote
Demote a user to a guest
UsersApi disable_user_access_token
POST /users/tokens/disable
Disable personal access token
UsersApi enable_user_access_token
POST /users/tokens/enable
Enable personal access token
UsersApi generate_mfa_secret
POST /users/{user_id}/mfa/generate
Generate MFA secret
UsersApi get_channel_members_with_team_data_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/channel_members
Get all channel members from all teams for a user
UsersApi get_default_profile_image
GET /users/{user_id}/image/default
Return user's default (generated) profile image
UsersApi get_known_users
GET /users/known
Get user IDs of known users
UsersApi get_profile_image
GET /users/{user_id}/image
Get user's profile image
UsersApi get_sessions
GET /users/{user_id}/sessions
Get user's sessions
UsersApi get_total_users_stats
GET /users/stats
Get total count of users in the system
UsersApi get_total_users_stats_filtered
GET /users/stats/filtered
Get total count of users in the system matching the specified filters
UsersApi get_uploads_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/uploads
Get uploads for a user
UsersApi get_user
GET /users/{user_id}
Get a user
UsersApi get_user_access_token
GET /users/tokens/{token_id}
Get a user access token
UsersApi get_user_access_tokens
GET /users/tokens
Get user access tokens
UsersApi get_user_access_tokens_for_user
GET /users/{user_id}/tokens
Get user access tokens
UsersApi get_user_audits
GET /users/{user_id}/audits
Get user's audits
UsersApi get_user_by_email
GET /users/email/{email}
Get a user by email
UsersApi get_user_by_username
GET /users/username/{username}
Get a user by username
UsersApi get_user_terms_of_service
GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service
Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
UsersApi get_users
GET /users
Get users
UsersApi get_users_by_group_channel_ids
POST /users/group_channels
Get users by group channels ids
UsersApi get_users_by_ids
POST /users/ids
Get users by ids
UsersApi get_users_by_usernames
POST /users/usernames
Get users by usernames
UsersApi login
POST /users/login
Login to Mattermost server
UsersApi login_by_cws_token
POST /users/login/cws
Auto-Login to Mattermost server using CWS token
UsersApi logout
POST /users/logout
Logout from the Mattermost server
UsersApi migrate_auth_to_ldap
POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap
Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
UsersApi migrate_auth_to_saml
POST /users/migrate_auth/saml
Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
UsersApi patch_user
PUT /users/{user_id}/patch
Patch a user
UsersApi permanent_delete_all_users
DELETE /users
Permanent delete all users
UsersApi promote_guest_to_user
POST /users/{user_id}/promote
Promote a guest to user
UsersApi publish_user_typing
POST /users/{user_id}/typing
Publish a user typing websocket event.
UsersApi register_terms_of_service_action
POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service
Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
UsersApi reset_password
POST /users/password/reset
Reset password
UsersApi revoke_all_sessions
POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke/all
Revoke all active sessions for a user
UsersApi revoke_session
POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke
Revoke a user session
UsersApi revoke_sessions_from_all_users
POST /users/sessions/revoke/all
Revoke all sessions from all users.
UsersApi revoke_user_access_token
POST /users/tokens/revoke
Revoke a user access token
UsersApi search_user_access_tokens
POST /users/tokens/search
Search tokens
UsersApi search_users
POST /users/search
Search users
UsersApi send_password_reset_email
POST /users/password/reset/send
Send password reset email
UsersApi send_verification_email
POST /users/email/verify/send
Send verification email
UsersApi set_default_profile_image
DELETE /users/{user_id}/image
Delete user's profile image
UsersApi set_profile_image
POST /users/{user_id}/image
Set user's profile image
UsersApi switch_account_type
POST /users/login/switch
Switch login method
UsersApi update_user
PUT /users/{user_id}
Update a user
UsersApi update_user_active
PUT /users/{user_id}/active
Update user active status
UsersApi update_user_auth
PUT /users/{user_id}/auth
Update a user's authentication method
UsersApi update_user_mfa
PUT /users/{user_id}/mfa
Update a user's MFA
UsersApi update_user_password
PUT /users/{user_id}/password
Update a user's password
UsersApi update_user_roles
PUT /users/{user_id}/roles
Update a user's roles
UsersApi verify_user_email
POST /users/email/verify
Verify user email
UsersApi verify_user_email_without_token
POST /users/{user_id}/email/verify/member
Verify user email by ID
WebhooksApi create_incoming_webhook
POST /hooks/incoming
Create an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi create_outgoing_webhook
POST /hooks/outgoing
Create an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi delete_incoming_webhook
DELETE /hooks/incoming/{hook_id}
Delete an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi delete_outgoing_webhook
DELETE /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}
Delete an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi get_incoming_webhook
GET /hooks/incoming/{hook_id}
Get an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi get_incoming_webhooks
GET /hooks/incoming
List incoming webhooks
WebhooksApi get_outgoing_webhook
GET /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}
Get an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi get_outgoing_webhooks
GET /hooks/outgoing
List outgoing webhooks
WebhooksApi regen_outgoing_hook_token
POST /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}/regen_token
Regenerate the token for the outgoing webhook.
WebhooksApi update_incoming_webhook
PUT /hooks/incoming/{hook_id}
Update an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi update_outgoing_webhook
PUT /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}
Update an outgoing webhook




  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


    using OpenAPI
    using OpenAPI.Clients
    import OpenAPI.Clients: Client, set_header
    client = Client(server_uri)
    set_header(client, "Authorization", "Basic $basic_auth")
    api = MyApi(client)
    result = callApi(api, args...; api_key)


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


    using OpenAPI
    using OpenAPI.Clients
    import OpenAPI.Clients: Client, set_header
    client = Client(server_uri)
    set_header(client, "Authorization", "Basic $basic_auth")
    api = MyApi(client)
    result = callApi(api, args...; api_key)


Used By Packages

No packages found.