
Author rffscghg
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11 Months Ago
Started In
December 2019

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The MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts package defines an Agriculture component to be used in Integrated Assessment Models within the Mimi Framework. In addition to the component definition, this package also provides helper functions for using and running the component. Code is based on the agricultural damage functions from a 2017 paper in Nature Communications by Moore et al.


If you are new to the Julia language or to the Mimi software package, please see the Mimi documentation for installation of Julia and Mimi.

MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts is a Julia package registered in the general Julia package registry. From a Julia package REPL, run the following to add the package to your environment:

pkg> add MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts, Mimi

We recommend you also add the Mimi package itself to your environment with:

pkg> add Mimi

Example use

See docstrings for a full description of the available functionality.

using MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts, Mimi

m = MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts.get_model("midDF")  # specify which of the 5 available GTAP dataframes of temperature-welfare results to use for the damage function

update_param!(m, :gtap_spec, "AgMIP_NoNDF")   # update the specification for which GTAP dataframe to use

# Compare the values of the agricultural SCC with and without limiting how big damages can be 
ag_scc1 = MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts.get_ag_scc("lowDF", prtp=0.03, floor_on_damages=true)
ag_scc2 = MimiMooreEtAlAgricultureImpacts.get_ag_scc("lowDF", prtp=0.03, floor_on_damages=false)

Component description

Input parameters:

  • income
  • population
  • temp: global temperature series
  • gtap_spec: A String specifying which GTAP temperature-welfare results dataframe from Moore et al to use for the damage function. Must be one of "AgMIP_AllDF", "AgMIP_NoNDF", "highDF", "lowDF", or "midDF". See documentation for a description of these choices.
  • gtap_df_all: Holds temperature-welfare data for all five gtap_spec choices. Only the one specified by gtap_spec will be used when the component is run
  • floor_on_damages: A Bool specifying whether or not to limit damages to 100% of the size of the agricultural sector. Default value is true.
  • ceiling_on_benefits: A Bool specifying whether or not to limit benefits to 100% of the size of the agricultural sector. Default value is false.
  • agrish0: Initial agricultural share of GDP
  • agel: elasticity
  • gdp90
  • pop90

Calculated variables:

  • AgLossGTAP: Percent loss on the agricultural sector in each year
  • agcost: Total cost on the agricultural sector in each year.
  • gtap_df: The selected temperature-welfare data used for the damage function, specified by the gtap_spec parameter, selected from all the data held in gtap_df_all

Docstrings of available functions


    floor_on_damages::Bool = true,
    ceiling_on_benefits::Bool = false)

Return a Mimi model with one component, the Moore Agriculture component. The user must specify the gtap input parameter as one of ["AgMIP_AllDF", "AgMIP_NoNDF", "highDF", "lowDF", "midDF"], indicating which gtap damage function the component should use.

The model has a time dimension of 2000:10:2300, and the fund_regions are the same as the FUND model.

Population and income levels are set to values from the USG2 MERGE Optimistic scenario. Temperature is set to output from the DICE model. If the user specifies pulse=true, then temperature is set to output from the DICE model with a 1 GtC pulse of CO2 emissions in 2020.

If floor_on_damages = true, then the agricultural damages in each timestep will not be allowed to exceed 100% of the size of the agricultural sector in each region. If ceiling_on_benefits = true, then the agricultural benefits in each timestep will not be allowed to exceed 100% of the size of the agricultural sector in each region.


    prtp::Float64 = 0.03, 
    horizon::Int = _default_horizon,
    floor_on_damages::Bool = true,
    ceiling_on_benefits::Bool = false)

Return the Agricultural SCC for a pulse in 2020 DICE temperature series and constant pure rate of time preference discounting with the specified keyword argument prtp. Optional keyword argument horizon can specify the final year of marginal damages to be included in the SCC calculation, with a default year of 2300.

If floor_on_damages = true, then the agricultural damages in each timestep will not be allowed to exceed 100% of the size of the agricultural sector in each region. If ceiling_on_benefits = true, then the agricultural benefits in each timestep will not be allowed to exceed 100% of the size of the agricultural sector in each region.