is a Julia package for multiple kernel learning (MKL) based one-class support vector machine (OneClassSVM).
using Pkg
Pkg.add("GLMakie") # if the user wants visualization
using MKLOneClassSVM
using GLMakie
Note that each column of the training data corresponds to an observation of the input features.
u1 = 0.5 .+ 4 * rand(300)
u2 = 2 ./ u1 + 0.3 * randn(300)
X = [u1'; u2']
mklocsvmplot(X; backend=GLMakie)
This package reexports KernelFunctions.jl
, which allows the user to generate various basis kernels conveniently:
Kernels = [
PiecewisePolynomialKernel(; dim=2, degree=2),
The user can chose different algorithms to train the MKL model, e.g., QCQP()
to solve the dual problem directly (which is a quadratically constrained quadratic program) or HessianMKL()
to alternately optimize the kernel coefficients according to the second order information and solve a standard single kernel OCSVM. Here we choose the latter algorithm:
# algor = QCQP(verbose=false)
algor = HessianMKL(verbose=false)
model = mklocsvmtrain(Kernels, X; algorithm=algor, ν=0.01, μ=0.5);
Please see the paper for more information about the algorithms and the statistical meaning of the hyper-parameters.
mklocsvmplot(model; backend=GLMakie)
More information about the trained model can be retrieved by querying corresponding fields of model
, e.g.,
model.SV # the indeces of all support vectors
model.SK # the indeces of all support kernels
u1 = 0.5 .+ 4 * rand(10)
u2 = 2 ./ u1 + 0.3 * randn(10)
X_test = [u1'; u2']
mklocsvmpredict(model, X_test)
The decision function, if needed, can be obtained by
y = decision_function(model)
When there are lots of candidate basis kernels, sometimes it may be a beter practice to group the kernels into batches first, then train them distributedly and finally take the intersection of all trained models as the resulting decision set.
using Distributed
@everywhere using MKLOneClassSVM
using GLMakie
num_batch = 3
Kernels_inbat = group_kernels(Kernels, num_batch; mode="randomly")
model = pmap(
ks -> mklocsvmtrain(ks, X; algorithm=algor, ν=0.01/num_batch, μ=0.5),
mklocsvmplot(model; backend=GLMakie)
By utilizting the Directional Projection Distance Kernel (DPDK) presented in the paper or a new Directional Nullspace Projection Norm Kernel (DNPNK), the user will be able to construct a convex polytopic set. The corresponding functionalities have been integrated into the mklocsvmtrain
model = mklocsvmtrain(X, 50; kernel="DPDK", algorithm=algor, q_mode="randomly", ν=0.01, μ=0.05)
mklocsvmplot(model; backend=GLMakie)
This is also allowed to train distributedly for acceleration under some situations:
model = mklocsvmtrain(X, 50; kernel="DPDK", algorithm=algor, q_mode="randomly", ν=0.01, μ=0.05, num_batch=5)
mklocsvmplot(model; backend=GLMakie)
The model can be converted into other types for further usage:
convert_to_jumpmodel(model; form="linear", varname=:u)
convert_to_polyhedron(model; eliminated=true)
If you use MKLOneClassSVM.jl
, we ask that you please cite this repository and the following paper:
title={Multiple kernel learning-aided robust optimization: Learning algorithm, computational tractability, and usage in multi-stage decision-making},
author={Han, Biao and Shang, Chao and Huang, Dexian},
journal={European Journal of Operational Research},
By default, this package implicitly uses KernelFunctions.jl
, open source solvers HiGHS.jl
and Ipopt.jl
, and the single kernel SVM solver LIBSVM.jl
. Thanks for these useful packages, although the user is also allowed to replace them with other alternatives.