
Write multi-dimensional equations in Julia using an easy and compact syntax
Author sylvaticus
0 Stars
Updated Last
4 Years Ago
Started In
October 2017


Allows to write multi-dimensional equations in Julia using a readable and compact syntax:

@meq nTrees[r in reg, sp in species, dc in diameterClass[2-end], y in years] = nTrees[r, sp, dc, y-1]*(1-mortRate[r, sp, dc, y-1] - promotionRate[r, sp, dc, y-1]) +  nTrees[r, sp, dc-1, y-1] * promotionRate[r, sp, dc-1, y-1]

It is a bit like using an Algebraic modeling language (AML) like GAMS or Julia/JuMP, but outside the domain of optimisation.

Build status (Github Actions)


  • ] add "MultiDimEquations"

Using the package

using MultiDimEquations

Definition of the variables:

Define or define and load the data for each group of variables from a DataFrame in long format, i.e. in the format dim1|dim2|...|value or dim1|dim2|...|variableName|value

df ="""
reg prod var value
us banana production 10
us banana transfCoef    0.6
us banana trValues      2
us apples production    7
us apples transfCoef    0.7
us apples trValues      5
us juice production     missing
us juice transfCoef     missing
us juice trValues       missing
eu banana production    5
eu banana transfCoef    0.7
eu banana trValues      1
eu apples production    8
eu apples transfCoef    0.8
eu apples trValues 4
eu juice production missing
eu juice transfCoef missing
eu juice trValues missing
"""), DataFrame, delim=" ", ignorerepeated=true, copycols=true, missingstring="missing")

(production,transfCoef,trValues) = defLoadVars(["production","transfCoef","trValues"], df,["reg","prod"], varNameCol="var", valueCol="value",sparse=true)
consumption                      = defVars(["reg","prod"],[String,String])

For more info type ?defVars or ?defLoadVars once you installed and loaded the package or consult the documentation (stable|development)

Defining the "set" (dimensions) of your data

These are simple Julia Arrays..

reg      = unique(df.reg)
products = unique(
primPr   = products[1:2]
secPr    = [products[3]]

Write your model using the @meq macro

The @meq macro adds a bit of convenience transforming at parse time (so, without adding run-time overheads) your equation from par1[d1 in DIM1, d2 in DIM2, dfix3] = par2[d1,d2]+par3[d1,d2] to [par1[d1,d2,dfix3] = par2[d1,d2]+par3[d1,d2] for d1 in dim1, d2 in dim2].

# equivalent to [production[r, sp] = sum(trValues[r,pp] * transfCoef[r,pp]  for pp in primPr) for r in reg, sp in secPr]
@meq production[r in reg, sp in secPr]   = sum(trValues[r,pp] * transfCoef[r,pp]  for pp in primPr)
@meq consumption[r in reg, pp in primPr] = production[r,pp] - trValues[r,pp]
@meq consumption[r in reg, sp in secPr]  = production[r, sp]

For more info on the @meq macro type ?@meq or consult the documentation (stable|development)

Known limitation

  • At this time, only var = ... assignments are supported.


The development of this package was supported by the French National Research Agency through the Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE, a part of the “Investissements d'Avenir” Program (ANR 11 – LABX-0002-01).

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