
This package provides a number of navigation functions. The functions are based on the Aviation Formulary V1.46 of Ed Williams and the latlong scripts of Movable-type.
Author rjdverbeek-tud
1 Star
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
November 2019


Build Status

Codecov Coveralls

This package provides a number of navigation functions. The functions are based on the Aviation Formulary V1.46 of Ed Williams and the latlong scripts of Movable-type.

Implemented Functions:

  • distance
  • bearing
  • final_bearing
  • midpoint
  • intermediate_point
  • destination_point
  • intersection_point
  • along_track_distance
  • cross_track_distance
  • Vground
  • head_wind
  • cross_wind
  • normalize
  • closest_point_to_pole
  • isinside

Implemented Types:

  • Point(ϕ, λ)
  • Airspace

Implemented constants:

  • Rₑ_m Radius Earth in [m]

The calculations are done using the Point struct for specifying points as radians

All angles are in degrees, distances are in meters, and speeds are in m/s.

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