
PandaModels is the developing Julia package that contains supplementary data and codes to prepare pandapower networks in a compatible format for PowerModels.jl.
Author e2nIEE
9 Stars
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
March 2021


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PandaModels.jl is a Julia package which containing supplementary data and codes to prepare pandapower networks in a compatible format for Julia packages which are based on InfrastructureModels, such as PowerModels.jl to run and calculate steady-state power network optimization. These packages use JuMP as optimization environment.


This package has been developed as part of the De­part­ment of En­er­gy Ma­nage­ment and Power Sys­tem Ope­ra­ti­on (e²n), University of Kassel and Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE).

The developers thank Carleton Coffrin, the primary developer of PowerModels.jl, for his support.

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