This Julia package exports scatterestimates
a simple function that generates a scatter plot
of estimated parameters vs the ground truth,
and then overlays the line of identity
as well as a linear fit to the scatter points.
(Ideally, the linear fit would coincide with the line of identity.)
This package uses RecipesBase.jl, so Plots.jl must be loaded to actually display a scatter plot.
Install this package and Plots.jl with
] add ParameterEstimateScatterPlots Plots
in the Julia REPL.
julia> using Plots, ParameterEstimateScatterPlots
julia> x = LinRange(0, 10, 1000); xhat = x.^1.1 .+ 0.5 .* randn(size(x));
julia> scatterestimates(x, xhat, name = "x", units = "cm")