PauliStrings.jl is a Julia package for many-body quantum mechanics with Pauli string represented as binary integers (as in It is particularly adapted for running Lanczos, time evolving noisy systems and simulating spin systems on arbitrary graphs.
using Pkg; Pkg.add(PauliStrings)
or ] add PauliStrings
Import the library and initialize a operator of 4 qubits
using PauliStrings
import PauliStrings as ps
H = ps.Operator(4)
Add a Pauli strings to the operator
H += "XYZ1"
H += "1YZY"
julia> H
(1.0 - 0.0im) XYZ1
(1.0 - 0.0im) 1YZY
Add a Pauli string with a coeficient
H += -1.2,"XXXZ" #coeficient can be complex
Add a 2-qubit string coupling qubits i and j with X and Y:
H += 2, "X", i, "Y", j # with a coeficient=2
H += "X", i, "Y", j # with a coeficient=1
Add a 1-qubit string:
H += 2, "Z", i # with a coeficient=2
H += "Z", i # with a coeficient=1
H += "S+", i
Supported sites operators are X
, Y
, Z
, Sx
The Operator type supports the +,-,* operators with other Operators and Numbers:
H3 = H1*H2
H3 = H1+H2
H3 = H1-H2
H3 = H1+2 # adding a scalar is equivalent to adding the unit times the scalar
H = 5*H # multiply operator by a scalar
Trace : ps.trace(H)
Frobenius norm : ps.opnorm(H)
Conjugate transpose : ps.dagger(H)
Number of terms: length(H)
Commutator:, H2)
. This is much faster than H1*H2-H2*H1
shows a list of terms with coeficients e.g :
julia> println(H)
(10.0 - 0.0im) 1ZZ
(5.0 - 0.0im) 1Z1
(15.0 + 0.0im) XYZ
(5.0 + 0.0im) 1YY
Export a list of strings with coeficients:
coefs, strings = ps.op_to_strings(H)
removes Pauli strings longer than M (returns a new Operator)
removes Pauli strings with coeficient smaller than c in absolute value (returns a new Operator)
keeps the first N trings with higest weight (returns a new Operator)
keeps terms with probability 1-exp(-alpha*abs(c)) (returns a new Operator)
adds depolarizing noise that make each strings decay like trim
to keep the number of strings manageable during time evolution.
ps.rk4(H, O, dt; hbar=1, heisenberg=false)
performs a step of Runge Kutta and returns the new updated O(t+dt)
H can be an Operator, or a function that takes a time and return an Operator. In case H is a function, a time also needs to be passed to rk4(H, O, dt, t)
. O is an Observable or a density matrix to time evolve.
If evolving an observable in the heisenberg picture, set heisenberg=true
An example is in time_evolve_example.jl
The following will time evolve O in the Heisenberg picture. At each step, we add depolarizing noise and trim the operator to keep the number of strings manageable
function evolve(H, O, M, times, noise)
dt = times[2]-times[1]
for t in times
O = ps.rk4(H, O, dt; heisenberg=true, M=M) #preform one step of rk4, keep only M strings
O = ps.add_noise(O, noise*dt) #add depolarizingn noise
O = ps.trim(O, M) # keep the M strings with the largest weight
return O
Time evolution of the spin correlation function
Compute lanczos coeficients
bs = ps.lanczos(H, O, steps, nterms)
: Hamiltonian
: starting operator
: maximum number of terms in the operator. Used by trim at every step
Results for X in XX from :