
Julia package for phylogenetics based off of NewickTree.jl and the R packages ape, phytools, and castor
Author shaul-pollak
5 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
July 2022


A julia package for phylogenetics that includes some visualization functions.
The basic tree data structure and the plot recipes are based off of NewickTree.jl

Tree manipulation

To read a tree:

tree = readnw(readline(path_to_tree))

We can also root the tree automatically based on a midpoint rooting criterion (at the node which has the minimal distance to the tip that is farthest away from it):

tree_rooted = root_midpoint(tree)

Trees can be clustered based on the fraction of the total divergence allowed in each subtree:

clu = cluster_tree(tree_rooted,2)


Plotting is based on Plots.jl.
To plot a tree (without showing its tip labels):


or with tip labels:

plot(tree_rooted; labels=true)

To plot the tree in an upward direction:

plot(tree_rooted; upwards=true)

Used By Packages

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