You're in a Jupyter notebook, and have some things
You would like to make a plot based on each thing
using PlotIter
using Plots
# Example data
x = 1.0:0.01:4*pi
things = [
(; title="A", w=1), (; title="B", w=2), (; title="C", w=3),
(; title="D", w=4), (; title="E", w=5),
# Make some plots!
plot_iter(things; ylims_convex_hull=true) do thing
plot!(x, sin.(x) .* thing.w; title=thing.title)
Maybe you would like to ensure color scales match in all of them too:
xlims_convex_hull=true, ylims_convex_hull=true, clims_convex_hull=true,
) do thing
n = 10^(1 + thing.w)
x = randn(Float64, n)
y = randn(Float64, n)
histogram2d!(x .* thing.w, y; title=thing.title, colorbar_scale=:log10)
For further usage information, please refer to the documentation, and the example notebook.