
Export Pluto notebooks to PDF from the command line
Author JuliaPluto
35 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
February 2021


Don't let your printer miss out on the fun!


From the Julia REPL, PlutoPDF.jl can be installed with the following:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("PlutoPDF")


From within Julia:

import PlutoPDF


You can also use PlutoPDF to take screenshots of all notebook cells!

import PlutoPDF
pdf_path = "notebook.pdf"
screenshots_dir = "notebook_screenshots"

PlutoPDF.pluto_to_pdf("notebook.jl", pdf_path, screenshots_dir)

How it works

PlutoPDF.jl is just a combination of other software:

  • Pluto: besides running notebooks, the Pluto editor is designed to look nice when printed. When you use Pluto's export to Static PDF button (top right in the editor), the button just tells the browser to open the Print window.
  • Chromium web browser: Pluto has CSS styling specific for printing. But it is the browser that has the ability to take HTML and CSS and make a PDF from it.
  • PlutoSliderServer: this package makes it easy to "convert .jl to .html." It can open a notebook, run it, and generate the export HTML all from the command line, so you don't need to click buttons in Pluto.
  • hmmmm more info coming


When developing, it's nice to have the node_modules folder locally. Navigate to the node directory and run npm install.

If you don't have npm, then run julia --project and then

import PlutoPDF
PlutoPDF.build_node(joinpath(pwd(), "node"))

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