
Author JuliaAPlavin
2 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


Show and edit arbitrary Julia objects in a tabular interface. Based on Pluto and PlutoUI for interactivity, Accessors and AccessorsExtra for object modification.

Currently, the focus is specifically on tabular UIs for editing objects.
For a basic example, this code:

@bind obj ColumnInput(((a=1, b=2), (a=3, b=4), (a=5, b=6)), (
	(@o _[].a) => Slider(0:5, show_value=true),
	(@o _[].b) => Slider(0:15, show_value=true),

creates this interface for obj:

See the Pluto notebook for more examples and details.

Note: tabular widgets can be especially convenient when put into a sidebar, see PlutoUIExtra for a notebook sidebar widget.

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