
Author ElOceanografo
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2022


Build Status Dev Stable

This is a package for solving the "inverse problem" for multifrequency acoustic backscatter in a Bayesian probabilistic framework. In other words, given observed echoes from one or more types of scatterers, this package will help you infer 1) what they were, 2) how many of them were present, and 3) how sure you can be about (1) and (2). We call this approach Automatic Probabilistic Echo Solving, or APES.

Refer to the documentation for more details on how to use the package. Several fully-worked examples on both simulated and real fisheries acoustic data can also be found in the APES Examples repository.

If you use this package in your own research, please cite the following publication:

Urmy, De Robertis, and Bassett (2023). A Bayesian inverse approach to identify and quantify organisms from fisheries acoustic data. ICES Journal of Marine Science,