is a package written in Julia
It is an implementation of the algorithm Quasi Ewald Method, which used to calculate the electrostatic interaction in dielectric confined Quasi-2D charged systems for MD simulations, which has a linear complexity to the number of particles.
This package has to be used as an extentation of the author's previous package ExTinyMD.jl
, which is a small but fast MD package written in Julia
To use this package, you only need to type
pkg> add ExTinyMD, QuasiEwald
in your command lines.
Here is an simple example, which will calculate the interaction between two paricle confined by dielectric substrate of different dielectric permittivity.
using Plots, ExTinyMD, QuasiEwald
n_atoms = 2
L = 180.0
boundary = ExTinyMD.Q2dBoundary(L, L, 10.0)
atoms = [Atom(type = 1, mass = 1.0, charge = 1.0), Atom(type = 2, mass = 1.0, charge = -1.0)]
sys = MDSys(
n_atoms = n_atoms,
atoms = atoms,
boundary = boundary,
interactions = [(NoInteraction(), NoNeighborFinder(n_atoms))],
loggers = [TrajectionLogger(step = 100, output = false)],
simulator = VerletProcess(dt = 0.001, thermostat = AndersenThermoStat(1.0, 0.05))
Force_x = Vector{Vector{Float64}}()
coord_1 = Point(50.0, 50.0, 1.0)
X = 0.1:0.1:40.0
for (γ_1, γ_2) in [(0.0, 0.0), (0.95, 0.95), (-0.95, -0.95), (10.0, 10.0), (-10.0, -10.0)]
ϵ_0 = 1.0
n_t = 30
accuracy = 1e-4
α = 1.0
r_c = 15.0
k_c = sqrt(-4 * α * log(accuracy))
force_x = Vector{Float64}()
for x_2 in X
info = SimulationInfo(n_atoms, atoms, (0.0, L, 0.0, L, 0.0, 10.0), boundary; min_r = 1.0, temp = 1.0)
coord_2 = Point(50.0 + x_2, 50.0, 1.01)
info.particle_info[1].position = coord_1
info.particle_info[2].position = coord_2
sortz = SortingFinder(info)
cellq2d = CellListQ2D(info, r_c, boundary, 1)
interaction_short = QuasiEwaldShortInteraction(γ_1, γ_2, ϵ_0, (L, L, 10.0), false, accuracy, α, n_atoms, r_c, n_t)
interaction_long = QuasiEwaldLongInteraction(γ_1, γ_2, ϵ_0, (L, L, 10.0), false, accuracy, α, n_atoms, k_c, 0)
force_qem = [Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for i in 1:n_atoms]
QuasiEwald_Fs!(interaction_short, cellq2d, sys, info)
QuasiEwald_Fl!(interaction_long, sortz, sys, info)
push!(force_x, info.particle_info[1].acceleration[1])
push!(Force_x, force_x)
plot(dpi = 300, size = (800, 600), legend = :topright, xlabel = "x", ylabel = "force_x")
for (γ, force_x) in zip([0.0, 0.95, -0.95, 10.0, -10.0], Force_x)
plot!(X, force_x, label = "γ = " * string(γ), ylim = [-0.06, 0.06])
To run this script, you can simple type:
julia ./example/force/force_pair.jl
The result is shown below:
Here is another example, which shows how to simulate a dielectric confined charged system via ExTinyMD.jl
and QuasiEwald.jl
using ExTinyMD, QuasiEwald
n_atoms = 436
n_atoms = Int64(round(n_atoms))
L_x = 100.0
L_y = 100.0
L_z = 50.0
L = (L_x, L_y, L_z)
boundary = Q2dBoundary(L_x, L_y, L_z)
atoms = Vector{Atom{Float64}}()
for i in 1:218
push!(atoms, Atom(type = 1, mass = 1.0, charge = 1.0))
for i in 219:436
push!(atoms, Atom(type = 2, mass = 1.0, charge = - 1.0))
(γ_1, γ_2) = (0.95, -0.95)
info = SimulationInfo(n_atoms, atoms, (0.0, L_x, 0.0, L_y, 0.5, L_z - 0.5), boundary; min_r = 2.0, temp = 1.0)
ϵ_0 = 1.0
accuracy = 1e-4
α = 1.0
k_c = sqrt(- 4 * α * log(accuracy))
r_c = (α * accuracy)^(-1/3) / 2
n_t = 30
rbe_p = 50
intershort = QuasiEwaldShortInteraction(γ_1, γ_2, ϵ_0, L, true, accuracy, α, n_atoms, r_c, n_t)
short_finder = CellListQ2D(info, r_c + 1.0, boundary, 100)
interlong = QuasiEwaldLongInteraction(γ_1, γ_2, ϵ_0, L, true, accuracy, α, n_atoms, k_c, rbe_p)
long_finder = SortingFinder(info)
interactions = [
(LennardJones(), CellList3D(info, 4.5, boundary, 100)),
(SubLennardJones(0.0, L_z; cutoff = 0.5, σ = 0.5), SubNeighborFinder(1.0, info, 0.0, L_z)),
(intershort, short_finder),
(interlong, long_finder)
loggers = [TempartureLogger(100, output = true), TrajectionLogger(step = 100, output = true)]
simulator = VerletProcess(dt = 0.001, thermostat = AndersenThermoStat(1.0, 0.05))
sys = MDSys(
n_atoms = n_atoms,
atoms = atoms,
boundary = boundary,
interactions = interactions,
loggers = loggers,
simulator = simulator
simulate!(simulator, sys, info, 100000)
which will simulate 436 changed particle confined by substrates with
Please open an issue if you encounter any problems, or have any feature requests.
It is also welcomed for any suggestions about the issues marked as enhancement
, please let us know if you have any idea about them.