This package provides Radial Basis Function (RBF) models with polynomial tails. RBF models are a special case of kernel machines that can interpolate high-dimensional and nonlinear data.
First load the RadialBasisFunctionModels
using RadialBasisFunctionModels
The main type RBFModel
uses vectors internally, but we can easily
interpolate 1-dimensional data.
Assume, e.g., we want to interpolate f:ℝ → ℝ, f(x) = x^2
f = x -> x^2
Define 5 training sites X
and evaluate to get Y
X = collect( LinRange(-4,4,5) )
Y = f.(X)
Initialize the RadialFunction
to use for the RBF model:
φ = Multiquadric()
Construct an interpolating model with linear polynomial tail:
rbf = RBFModel( X, Y, φ, 1)
We can evaluate rbf
at the data points;
By default, vectors are returned.
Z = rbf.(X)
Z isa Vector
Z[1] isa AbstractVector{<:Real}
The results should be close to the data labels Y
, i.e., Z[1] ≈ Y[1]
contains Floats, but we can pass them to rbf
Usually you have feature vectors and they are always supported:
@test rbf( [ X[1], ] ) == Z[1]
For 1 dimensional labels we can actually disable the vector output:
rbf_scalar = RBFInterpolationModel( X, Y, φ, 1; vector_output = false)
Z_scalar = rbf_scalar.( X )
Z_scalar isa Vector{Float64}
all( Z_scalar[i] == Z[i][1] for i = 1 : length(Z) )
The data precision of the training data is preserved when determining the model coefficients. Accordingly, the return type precision is also at least that of the training data.
X_f0 = Float32.(X)
Y_f0 = f.(X_f0)
rbf_f0 = RBFInterpolationModel( X_f0, Y_f0, φ, 1)
rbf_f0.(X_f0) isa Vector{Vector{Float32}}
If you are using statically sized arrays, they work too! You can provide a vector of statically sized arrays or, if you have only few centers ( number of variables × number of centers <= 100), provide a statically sized vector of statically sized vectors to maybe profit from faster matrix multiplications when evaluating:
using StaticArrays
features = [ @SVector(rand(3)) for i = 1 : 5 ]
labels = [ @SVector(rand(3)) for i = 1 : 5 ]
centers = SVector{5}(features)
rbf_sized = RBFModel( features, labels; centers )
Now, the model uses sized matrices internally.
For most input vectors a SizedVector
would be returned.
But there is a "type guarding" function for static arrays so that output has the same
array type (by conversion, if necessary):
x_vec = rand(3)
x_s = SVector{3}(x_vec)
x_m = MVector{3}(x_vec)
x_sized = SizedVector{3}(x_vec)
rbf_sized( x_vec ) isa Vector
rbf_sized( x_s ) isa SVector
rbf_sized( x_m ) isa MVector
rbf_sized( x_sized ) isa SizedVector
Instead of initializing RadialFunction
s beforehand,
their names can be used. Currently supported are:
:gaussian, :multiquadric, :inv_multiquadric, :cubic, :thin_plate_spline
You can do
RBFModel(features, labels, :gaussian)
or, to specify kernel arguments:
RBFModel(features, labels, :multiquadric, [1.0, 1//2])
There is an MLJ wrapper for the RBFInterpolationModel, exported as RBFInterpolator
It can be used like other regressors and takes the kernel name as a symbol (and kernel arguments as a vector).
using MLJBase
X,y = @load_boston
r = RBFInterpolator(; kernel_name = :multiquadric )
R = machine(r, X, y)!(R)
MLJBase.predict(R, X)
You can do similar things (for vector valued data) with the RBFMachineWithKernel
X = [ rand(2) for i = 1 : 10 ]
Y = [ rand(2) for i = 1 : 10 ]
R = RBFMachine(;features = X, labels = Y, kernel_name = :gaussian )
R isa RBFMachineWithKernel!(R)
R( X[1] ) ≈ Y[1]
Such a machine can be initialized empty and data can be added:
R = RBFMachine()
add_data!(R, X, Y)
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