
Circular lists
Author scheinerman
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
August 2018


A RingList is a list of distinct values that is unchanged by rotation. These can be created by giving a list of values or a one-dimensional array of values:

julia> using RingLists

julia> a = RingList(1,2,3,4);

julia> b = RingList([2,3,4,1]);

julia> a==b

julia> println(a)
[ 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 1 ]

Note the repeat of element 1 in the output showing that the list wraps around.


In this list, a stands for a RingList.

  • length(a) gives the number of elements held in the RingList.
  • keys(a) returns an iterator of the elements in a.
  • haskey(a,x) checks if x is an element of the RingList.
  • Vector(a) returns a one-dimensional array of the elements in a.
  • Set(a) returns the elements of a (as an unordered collection).
  • collect(a) returns the elements of a in an ordered list.
  • copy(a) makes an independent copy of a.
  • shuffle(a) returns a new RingList with the same elements as a but in randomized order.
  • next(a,x) returns the next element after x in a; also a[x].
  • previous(a,x) returns the element y with a[y]==x; also a(y).
  • first(a) returns an element of a that is, if possible, the smallest element of a. Call first(a,false) to ignore trying to start at the smallest element. Fails if a is empty.
  • delete!(a,x) removes x from the collection linking together its predecessor and successor.
  • insert!(a,x) inserts the element a into the RingList. No guarantee where it will end up.
  • insertbefore!(a,x,y) inserts x into a before y.
  • insertafter!(a,x,y) inserts x into a after y. For example:
> a = RingList(1,2,3)
[ 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 ]

julia> insertafter!(a,99,2)

julia> a
[ 1 → 2 → 99 → 3 → 1 ]
  • reverse(a) returns a new RingList with the elements reversed.
julia> a = RingList(1,2,3,4,5)
[ 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 1 ]

julia> b = reverse(a)
[ 1 → 5 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 ]
  • firsts(a) returns a new RingList built by taking the first member of each element of a.
julia> a
[ (19, 20) → (20, 25) → (25, 31) → (31, 27) → (27, 19) → (19, 20) ]

julia> firsts(a)
[ 19 → 20 → 25 → 31 → 27 → 19 ]


RingList elements can be iterated:

julia> a = RingList(1,2,3,4,5)
[ 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 1 ]

julia> for x in a

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