
Bayesian Safety Signal Detection in Julia
Author openpharma
5 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
November 2023


This package implements Bayesian safety signal detection as proposed by Brock et al. (2023) using the Turing.jl framework.


Install this package with:

using Pkg

Getting started

Please have a look at the Introduction vignette to get started.


Please have a look at the API documentation.

Developer tipps


Testing the package:

julia> ] # Go to the package mode
(v1.10) pkg> activate .
(SafetySignalDetection) pkg> test

Local rendering of the documentation:

  • Install LiveServer in your global environment.
  • Install your local package (pkg> add /path/to/package)

Afterwards each time:

(v1.10) pkg> activate docs # Backspace to come back to julia mode
julia> using SafetySignalDetection, LiveServer
julia> servedocs()

Then click on the local website link. When you modify the documentation, the server automatically recompiles the docs and updates the local website.

Helpful links

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