
Author schmrlng
1 Star
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
October 2018


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This package implements collision detection for 2D shapes based on the separating axis theorem. Shape representations leverage StaticArrays.jl for computational efficiency; this package targets applications potentially requiring millions of collision checks, e.g., robot motion planning.


This package exports the abstract type Shape2D and the following concrete types for collision checking:

  • Point (alias for AbstractVector{<:Number})
  • AxisAlignedBoundingBox <: Shape2D (equivalently, AABB)
    • AABB((xl, xu), (yl, yu)): constructs an instance corresponding to the set [xl, xu] × [yl, yu].
    • AABB(Δx, Δy): constructs an instance corresponding to the set [-Δx/2, Δx/2] × [-Δy/2, Δy/2].
  • LineSegment <: Shape2D
    • LineSegment(v, w) constructs a line segment connecting v and w.
  • Polygon <: Shape2D
    • Polygon(points...): constructs a convex polygon with vertices points. points must be supplied in counter-clockwise order.
    • Triangle(p1, p2, p3): convenience constructor that reorders three points into CCW order before calling Polygon.
  • Circle <: Shape2D
    • Circle(c, r): constructs a circle centered at c with radius r.
    • Circle(r): constructs a circle centered at the origin with radius r.
  • CompoundShape <: Shape2D
    • CompoundShape(parts...): groups a list of other Shape2Ds into a single (possible non-convex) collision object.

This package also exports a few methods for transforming/creating new shapes from others.

  • Transformations from CoordinateTranformations.jl may be applied to shapes to produce the expected output; some care must be taken, however, to ensure that only rigid transformations are applied to Circles as there is currently no Ellipse shape implemented.
  • inflate(X, ε; round_corners=true): inflates a shape X by a buffer ε > 0. The round_corners keyword argument may be set to false to ensure that inflating an AABB, LineSegment, or Polygon yields just a single Polygon (performing an approximate inflation) instead of a CompoundShape consisting of a Polygon and Circles.
  • sweep: this function is used internally to facilitate continuous (i.e., "swept") collision detection.
    • sweep(X1, X2): yields a shape corresponding to the area swept out by moving shape X1 to shape X2 (if sweeping X1 to X2 involves a rotation, this rotation should be "reasonably small" or this will probably produce junk).
    • sweep(X, f1, f2): equivalent to sweep(f1(X), f2(X)).

Collision Checking

SeparatingAxisTheorem2D.jl defines the following functions for collision checking:

  • intersecting for discrete collision detection.
    • intersecting(X, Y): true iff X and Y are in collision.
    • intersecting(X, Y, f): true iff X and f(Y) are in collision.
  • sweep_intersecting for continuous collision detection.
    • X static and Y dynamic
      • sweep_intersecting(X, Y1, Y2): true iff X and sweep(Y1, Y2) are in collision.
      • sweep_intersecting(X, Y, f1, f2): true iff X1 and sweep(f1(X), f2(X)) are in collision.
    • X and Y both dynamic
      • sweep_intersecting(X, fX1, fX2, Y, fY1, fY2): supposing that X is getting swept from transformation fX1 to fX2 and Y is simultaneously getting swept from transformation fY1 to fY2, returns true iff the shapes are ever in collision.

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