
Signed permutations
Author jmichel7
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11 Months Ago
Started In
September 2023

Signed permutations

# SignedPermsModule.

A signed permutation of 1:n is a permutation of the set -n,…,-1,1,…,n which preserves the pairs (-i,i). It is represented internally as the images of 1:n. It is printed as a product of signed cycles.


julia> SPerm([-2,-1,-3])
SPerm{Int64}: (1,-2)(3,-3)

The group of signed permutations of 1:n is called the hyperoctaedral group.

julia> W=hyperoctaedral_group(2)

julia> elements(W)
8-element Vector{SPerm{Int8}}:

A motivation for my use of signed permutations is to find if two matrices differ only by a simultaneous signed permutation of lines and columns. See the example below with SPerm(m,n;dims=(1,2)).

The type of signed permutations is SPerm{T} where T<:Integer, a struct with one field, a Vector{T} which holds the image of 1:n. Using a T different than Int may possibly save space or time. If T is not specified we take it to be Int16 since this is a good compromise between speed and compactness.

SPerms have methods copy, hash, ==, isless (total order) so they can be keys in hashes or elements of sets; two SPerms are equal if they move the same points to the same images. For instance,

julia> SPerm([-2,-1,-3])==SPerm([-2,-1,-3,4])

SPerms are considered as scalars for broadcasting.


# SignedPerms.SPermType.

struct SPerm

An SPerm represents a signed permutation of 1:n, that is a permutation of the set -n,…,-1,1,…,n which preserves the pairs (-i,i). It is implemented by a struct SPerm which has one field d, a vector holding the images of 1:n. It is printed as its cycle decomposition.


# SignedPerms.SPermMethod.

SPerm{T}(x::Integer...)where T<:Integer

returns as a SPerm{T} a signed cycle. For instance SPerm{Int8}(1,-2,-1,2) and SPerm({Int8}[-2,1]) define the same signed permutation. If not given {T} is taken to be {Int16}.


# SignedPerms.@sperm_strMacro.


makes a SPerm from a string specifying signed cycles linke the REPL printing of an SPerm; an example is sperm"(1,-2)(5,-6,7)(-4,9)"


# PermGroups.Perms.PermMethod.

Perm(p::SPerm) returns the underlying Perm of an SPerm


# SignedPerms.signsFunction.

signs(p::SPerm) returns the underlying signs of an SPerm


# PermGroups.Perms.invpermuteMethod.


returns l invpermuted by p, a vector r such that r[abs(i^p)]=l[i]*sign(i^p).

julia> p=SPerm([-2,-1,-3])
SPerm{Int64}: (1,-2)(3,-3)

julia> invpermute([20,30,40],p)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

invpermute can also act on matrices with a keyword dims. If dims=1 it invpermutes the lines, if dims=2 the columns and for dims=(1,2) both. If P=Matrix(p) and iP=Matrix(inv(p)) then invpermute(m,p;dims=1)==iP*m, invpermute(m,p;dims=2)==m*P and invpermute(m,p;dims=(1,2))==iP*m*P. Finally, the form invpermute(m,p1,p2) invpermutes the lines of m by p1 and the columns by p2.


# PermGroups.Perms.orbitMethod.

orbit(p::SPerm,i::Integer) returns the orbit of p on i.


# PermGroups.Perms.orderMethod.

order(a::SPerm) is the order of the signed permutation a.


# PermGroups.Perms.last_movedMethod.

last_moved(a::SPerm) is the largest integer moved by a


# PermGroups.Perms.cyclesMethod.

cycles(p::SPerm) the non-trivial cycles of p.

Two cycles which differ only by sign are returned once only.

julia> cycles(SPerm(-1,2)*SPerm(3,-3)*SPerm(4,5,-4,-5))
3-element Vector{Vector{Int16}}:
 [1, -2]
 [3, -3]
 [4, 5, -4, -5]


# PermGroups.Perms.cycletypeMethod.

cycletype(p::SPerm,n=last_moved(p)) pair of partitions parameterizing the conjugacy class of p in the hyperoctaedral group Bₙ

julia> cycletype(SPerm(1,-1),2)
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:


# Base.MatrixMethod.

Matrix(p::SPerm,n=last_moved(p)) permutation matrix for p operating on n points.

For a vector v, we have permutedims(v)*Matrix(p)==invpermute(v,p). Also Diagonal(signs(p))*Matrix(Perm(p))==Matrix(p).

julia> Matrix(SPerm([-2,-1,-3]))
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
  0  -1   0
 -1   0   0
  0   0  -1


# SignedPerms.SPermMethod.

SPerm{T}(m::AbstractMatrix) If m is a signed permutation matrix, returns the corresponding signed permutation of type T. If omitted, T is taken to be Int16.

julia> m=[0 -1 0;-1 0 0;0 0 -1]
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
  0  -1   0
 -1   0   0
  0   0  -1

julia> SPerm(m)


# SignedPerms.SPermMethod.


return a SPerm{T} p such that invpermute(l1,p)==l if such p exists; returns nothing otherwise. If not given {T} is taken to be {Int16}. Needs the entries of l and l1 to be sortable.

julia> p=SPerm([20,30,40],[-40,-20,-30])

julia> invpermute([-40,-20,-30],p)
3-element Vector{Int64}:


# PermGroups.Perms.onmatsMethod.

onmats(m::AbstractMatrix,g::SPerm) synonym for invpermute(m,g;dims=(1,2)) or invpermute(m,g,g).


# SignedPerms.sstab_onmatsFunction.


if the argument G is given (which should be an SPermGroup) this is just a fast implementation of centralizer(G,M,onmats). If G is omitted it is taken to be hyperoctaedral_group(size(M,1)). The program uses sophisticated algorithms, and can handle matrices up to 80×80. If l is given the return group should also centralize l (for the action ^)

julia> n=[-1 -1 -1 -2 2 -2 -3 -3 -3; -1 -1 -1 -3 3 -3 -2 -2 -2; -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1; -2 -3 -1 -3 1 -2 -1 -3 -2; 2 3 1 1 -2 3 3 2 1; -2 -3 -1 -2 3 -1 -2 -1 -3; -3 -2 -1 -1 3 -2 -2 -3 -1; -3 -2 -1 -3 2 -1 -3 -1 -2; -3 -2 -1 -2 1 -3 -1 -2 -3];

julia> length(sstab_onmats(n))


# SignedPerms.SPermMethod.


returns a signed permutation p such that invpermute(N,p;dims)==M if such a p exists, and nothing otherwise. If dims=(1,2) then M and N should be symmetric matrices.

The case dims=(1,2) routine is useful to identify two objects which are isomorphic but with different labelings. It is used in Chevie to identify Lusztig Fourier transform matrices with standard (classified) data. The program uses sophisticated algorithms, and can often handle matrices up to 80×80.

julia> p=sperm"(1,-1)(2,5,3,-4,-2,-5,-3,4)(7,-9)";

julia> m=onmats(n,p);

julia> onmats(n,SPerm(m,n;dims=(1,2)))==m


# SignedPerms.hyperoctaedral_groupFunction.

hyperoctaedral_group(n) the hyperoctaedral group on 1:n


# SignedPerms.SPerm_onmatsFunction.


M and N should be symmetric matrices. SPerm_onmats returns a signed permutation p such that onmats(N,p)=M if such a permutation exists, and nothing otherwise. If in addition vectors extra=[m,n] are given, the signed permutation p should also satisfy invpermute(n,p)==m.

Efficient version of transporting_elt(hyperoctaedral_group(size(M,1)),M,N,onmats)


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