
A Julia wrapper for the Spotify API
Author kwehmeyer
15 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
July 2020

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An open-source interface for using the Spotify web API in Julia.


Right now, mostly all endpoint wrapper functions have been written, tested and organized by sub-modules as defined in Spotify's documentation. The documentation was reworked in March 2023, but most documentation links still work.

Any missing endpoints, e.g. 'queue', 'repeat', 'volume' and 'shuffle', could be accessed more directly through calls like spotify_request("recommendations/available-genre-seeds").

What can you use this for?

You can

  • play music and prune your playlists through a mini-player REPL mode
  • organize playlists based on audio analysis or each track's popularity in Japan
  • fix your taste profile after that kid's party
  • build social graphs for artists, playlists or users, analyze popularity
  • clean duplicates
  • search podcast metadata
  • create your own visualizations from beat data
  • play with popularity and genre statistics

Easily find the right functions with the select_calls menu and the submodules:

  • Albums, Artists, Categories, Episodes, Genres,
  • Library, Markets, Player, Playlists, Search
  • Shows, Tracks, Users, Profile

Getting started


(@v1.8) pkg> add Spotify

julia> using Spotify

This creates 'spotify_credentials.ini' in your homedir(), along with instructions on how to input your user name and client credentials.

julia> select_calls()

This brings up a menu for exploration calls, which works best in the REPL.

Wrapper API

Wrapper functions require different permission scopes, which you grant as needed by pressing 'Accept' in a browser tab which pops up when needed. A granted scope lasts for one hour.

The wrapper functions are duck-typed and will accept strings, vectors of strings or the types below. Functions leniently convert input to these string-like types:

  • SpPlaylistId, SpArtistId, SpTrackId, SpAlbumId
  • SpShowId, SpEpisodeId, SpId, SpCategoryId

Ouput from all wrapper functions is a tuple: (JSON3 object, wait_seconds).

  • wait_seconds is zero except if the API rate limit is temporarily exceeded
  • JSON3 object is an object / dictionary which is easy and fast to inspect and use. See the examples for some ideas

Control of text feedback is provided, see ?LOGSTATE.

Documentation and a brief example

For more detail on setting up your credentials and getting keys please checkout this page in the documentation.

julia> using Spotify, Spotify.Tracks
julia> tracks_get_audio_features("5gZ5YB5SryZdM0GV7mXzDJ")
       "danceability": 0.636,
             "energy": 0.699,
                "key": 4,
           "loudness": -7.602,
               "mode": 1,
        "speechiness": 0.0332,
       "acousticness": 0.0297,
   "instrumentalness": 0.0174,
           "liveness": 0.098,
            "valence": 0.964,
              "tempo": 102.019,
               "type": "audio_features",
                 "id": "5gZ5YB5SryZdM0GV7mXzDJ",
                "uri": "spotify:track:5gZ5YB5SryZdM0GV7mXzDJ",
         "track_href": "",
       "analysis_url": "",
        "duration_ms": 214267,
     "time_signature": 3
}, 0)

Usage as a dependency

If you are using this package from your own module, turning off default authorization will save startup time.

From version 0.2.1, authorization during compilation (and possibly precompilation in a separate thread!) can be disabled by setting the environment variable SPOTIFY_NOINIT.

julia> push!(ENV, "SPOTIFY_NOINIT" => "true"); using Spotify

julia> scopes = ["user-read-private", "user-modify-playback-state", "user-read-playback-state", "playlist-modify-private",
        "playlist-read-private", "playlist-read-collaborative", "user-library-read"];
julia> if ! Spotify.credentials_contain_scope(scopes)
[ Info: Negotiating client credentials, which typically last 1 hour.
┌ Info: Client credentials expire in 3600 seconds.
│           You can inspect with `Spotify.spotcred()`, `Spotify.expiring_in()`,
└            or e.g. `Spotify.credentials_contain_scope("user-read-private")`
        Listening for user authorization through browser on and path /api
        Launching a browser at:

[ Info: Received implicit grant token expires in 3600 seconds
[ Info: Successfully retrieved grant of these scopes: ["user-read-private", "user-modify-playback-state", "user-read-playback-state", "playlist-modify-private", "playlist-read-private", "playlist-read-collaborative", "user-library-read"]
(Task (done) @0x000002324fffe8c0, Task (done) @0x000002324fffe2f0)

To Do

  • Inline Documentation needs to be completed
  • Wiki
  • Write tests
  • Set up CI
  • Register the package

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