
Surrogate distance models
Author sadit
1 Star
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
August 2022


This package contains methods that can be used to replace big metric databases and its related metric function by a more light weight encoding and distance function. This package is designed to be used with SimilaritySearch.jl but can be used without it.

In particular, it contains the following methods/types:

  • BinPerms: Binary encoding based on Brief permutations (with shift-based encoding)
  • BinPermsDiffEnc: Binary encoding based on Brief permutations with differential encoding
  • HyperplaneEncoding: Hyperplane-based binary encoding
  • HighEntropyHyperplanes: Binary encoding based on high entropy hyperplanes
  • NearestReference: String-based encoding using references
  • Perms: Vector-based encoding of Permutations
  • PCAProjection: Vector-based encoding just using PCA from MultivariateStats package.
  • RandomProjection: Vector-based encoding using Gaussian random projections.

All methods use fit and predict methods with reasonable default parameters.


] add SurrogatedDistanceModels


using SimilaritySearch, SurrogatedDistanceModels

X = MatrixDatabase(rand(64, 10^5))
nbits = 256
refs = rand(X, 128)
B = fit(BinPerms, L2Distance(), refs, nbits)  # creates a BinPerms model mapping input vectors to `nbits`-bit vectors
binX = predict(B, X)  # projects the entire database `X` to the new Hamming space

## now using this to search
G = SearchGraph(; db=binX, dist=BinaryHammingSpace())

queries = MatrixDatabase(rand(64, 1000))
knns, dists = searchbatch(G, predict(B, queries), 10) # search queries for 10nn using the binary projection

TODO: Put citations for each method