
Tools for general Tight Binding systems
Author Anjishnubose
13 Stars
Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
April 2023


Build Status

TightBindingToolkit.jl is a Julia package meant for constructing, and obtaining useful properties of generic tight-binding models. It supports any lattice structure, with any user-defined bonds on that lattice. It also has support for any spin of the particle hopping on the lattice.


In the Julia REPL, Push "]" to enter the package mode.

add TightBindingToolkit

Or equivalently

using Pkg


Currently supported :

  • Custom Unit Cell Construction. (v1.3) : now also supports construction in dimensions upto d=3. Can change primitives, or expand unit cell on the go.
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    Honeycomb Model with 1st, 2nd and 3rd neighbour hoppings.
  • Corresponding Brillouin Zone Construction. (v1.3) : now also supports construction in dimensions upto d=3.
  • Hamiltonian, given a Unit Cell and a Brillouin Zone. (v1.3) : now also support BdG Hamiltonians.
  • Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in momentum space to get band structures and wavefunctions.
    Alt text
    Band structure for a triangular lattice with 1st, 2nd and 3rd neighbour hopping.
  • Density of State
    Alt text
    Density of state of graphene.
  • Filling the model at given chemical potential, and calculating gaps. (v1.3) : also supported for BdG systems.
    Alt text
    Band structure of the Kitaev Chain in 1-d.
  • Fermi surfaces of systems
    Alt text
    Fermi surface for a triangular lattice with 1st, 2nd and 3rd neighbour hopping.
  • Getting correlation functionsin momentum space and real space. (v1.3) : also supported for BdG systems.
  • Getting Berry curvature and Chern numbers. Also workjs for topological superconductors.
    Alt text
    Chern numbers in a spin-ful Haldane model as a function of t2.
  • Getting magnetic susceptibility in any direction, at any momentum, and energy.
    Alt text
    imaginary part of zero-energy susceptibility for a triangular lattice with 1st, 2nd and 3rd neighbour hopping.
  • Real-sapce lattice construction with arbitrary boundary condition. (v2.1)


For more details, please see Documentation