
Julia wrapper for the Tropical Polyhedra Library
Author JuliaTPLib
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2023

TPLib.jl: Tropical Polyhedra Library

TPLib.jl is a wrapper for the library TPLib which implements several algorithms to manipulate tropical polyhedra. Among others, it allows to compute:

  • the extreme points and rays of tropical polyhedra,
  • tropical polar cones,
  • the minimal representations by means of half-spaces,
  • the tropical complex associated with a tropical polytope.

Copyright notice for TPLib

Published under LGPL2.1

Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Xavier ALLAMIGEON (xavier.allamigeon at

Version 1.0 of TPLib when the author was at EADS Innovation Works, with the support of the programme of the French National Agency of Research (ANR), project ``ASOPT'', number ANR-08-SEGI-005.

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