⚠️ INFO: This repository is deprecated
has been moved into the monorepo at Vlasiator.jl. For Julia 1.9+, it is recommended to rely onVlasiatorMakieExt
viausing Vlasiator, GLMakie
Makie recipes for visualization of Vlasiator.jl.
] add VlasiatorMakie
Both simple type conversion recipes for 1D and 2D data and full recipes for customized and interactive plots are provided.
See more example outputs in Vlasiator gallery and detailed usages in the manual and test scripts. Due to the current limitation of the full recipes from Makie, it is recommended to work with the simpler type recipes, i.e. identical plotting functions as in Makie but with the first two arguments being meta
and var
using Vlasiator, VlasiatorMakie, GLMakie
file = "bulk.0000001.vlsv"
meta = load(file)
heatmap(meta, "proton/vg_rho")
3D isosurface:
fig = volume(meta, "fg_b", EARTH, 3; algorithm=:iso, isovalue=0.0, isorange=1e-9)
Single figure contour plot:
fig = Figure(resolution=(700, 600), fontsize=18)
ga = fig[1,1] = GridLayout()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1],
aspect = DataAspect(),
title = "t = $(round(meta.time, digits=1))s",
xlabel = L"x [$R_E$]",
ylabel = L"y [$R_E$]"
hmap = heatmap!(meta, "proton/vg_rho", colormap=:turbo)
cbar = Colorbar(fig, hmap, label=L"$\rho$ [amu/cc]", width=13,
ticksize=13, tickalign=1, height=Relative(1))
fig[1,2] = cbar
colgap!(ga, 1)
Multi-figure contour plots:
fig = Figure(resolution=(1100, 800), fontsize=18)
axes = []
v_str = ["CellID", "proton/vg_rho", "proton/vg_v",
"vg_pressure", "vg_b_vol", "vg_e_vol"]
c_str = ["", L"$\rho$ [amu/cc]", "[m/s]", "[Pa]", "[T]", "[V/m]"]
c = 1
for i in 1:2, j in 1:2:5
ax = Axis(fig[i,j], aspect=DataAspect(),
xgridvisible=false, ygridvisible=false,
title = v_str[c],
xlabel = L"x [$R_E$]",
ylabel = L"y [$R_E$]")
hmap = heatmap!(meta, v_str[c], colormap=:turbo)
cbar = Colorbar(fig, hmap, label=c_str[c], width=13,
ticksize=13, tickalign=1, height=Relative(1))
fig[i, j+1] = cbar
c += 1
push!(axes, ax) # just in case you need them later.
fig[0, :] = Label(fig, "t = $(round(meta.time, digits=1))s")
Adjusting axis limits:
location = [0, 0, 0]
fig = VlasiatorMakie.vdfslice(meta, location)
xlims!(fig.content[1], -1000, 1000)
ylims!(fig.content[1], -1000, 1000)
limits!(fig.content[1], 0, 10, 0, 10) # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
Saving figure:
fig = vdfvolume(meta, location)
save("output.png", fig)
The resolution is a property of the Figure object returned from the function.