Dependency Packages
RayTraceEllipsoid.jl11Ray trace ellipsoid-shaped domes. Find intersection points and refract/reflect according to the refractive indices.
View5D.jl115 dimensional viewer support in Julia
SetIntersectionProjection.jl11Constrained optimization
Scheduling.jl11Julia library for scheduling
FinEtoolsVoxelMesher.jl11Finite Element tools in Julia: Meshing of medical images
Mueller.jl11Building blocks for Mueller calculus
PANDA.jl11Phylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion (in Julia)
Orbits.jl11Flexible and fast astronomical orbits
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
TempestSDR.jl11Screen eavesdrop in real time leveraging SDR and pure Julia implementation !
PoGO.jl11PoGO is a Julia package that facilitates automatic piecewise linearization of various non-linear functions within JuMP models.
QRDecoders.jl11OSPP'22 project repository for QR format decoder support
PlutoPages.jl11Static site generation with Pluto, WIP
ModiaLang.jl11Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
Arrowhead.jl11Arrowhead and DPR1 eigenvalues
MicroCanonicalHMC.jl11Implementation of Arxiv:2212.08549 in Julia
MedEye3d.jl11Julia library for visualization and annotation medical images, specialized particularly for rapid development segmentation of 3 dimensional images like CT or PET/CT scans. Has full support of nuclear medicine Data.
GreenFunc.jl11Toolbox to study quantum many-body problem at the treelevel
GeometricTools.jl11Methods for the manipulation of geometric data, grid generation, and visualization formatting.
Gettext.jl11I18n for Julia
Justly.jl11Beyond the scale
JavisNB.jl11Notebook integrations for Javis.jl
PointCloudRasterizers.jl11Process airborne laser scans into raster images
ImageGather.jl11Image gather tools
ImageContrastAdjustment.jl11A Julia package for enhancing and manipulating image contrast.
OrdinalMultinomialModels.jl11Ordered multinomial models
GeneralizedSasakiNakamura.jl11Computing solutions to the frequency-domain radial Teukolsky equation with the Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura (GSN) formalism in julia
GridapSolvers.jl11Solvers and preconditioners for the Gridap ecosystem.
PDBTools.jl11Simple structure and functions to read and write PDB files
GasDispersion.jl11Gas dispersion models for modelling chemical releases
AdaOPS.jl11An implementation of the AdaOPS (Adaptive Online Packing-based Search), which is an online POMDP Solver used to solve problems defined with the POMDPs.jl generative interface.
FMIBuild.jl10FMIBuild.jl holds dependencies that are required to compile and zip a Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU) compliant to the FMI-standard ( Because this dependencies should not be part of the compiled FMU, they are out-sourced into this package. FMIBuild.jl provides the build-commands for the Julia package FMIExport.jl.
FlowAtlas.jl10An interactive explorer for flow cytometry data
Intan.jl10Julia API for Intan RHD2000
EFTfitter.jl10A tool for the combination and EFT interpretation of measurements in Julia
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