Dependency Packages
Spider.jl3Spider is a static website generator that is simple to use, understand, and extend
EarthSciMLBase.jl3Basic functionality for EarthSciML system
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
GenieSession.jl2Abstract/core package for working with sessions in Genie
AtmosphericDeposition.jl2Models of atmospheric deposition using ModelingToolkit.jl
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
StippleMarkdown.jl2Render Markdown text in your Genie apps
StippleMathjs.jl2Support of mathjs and complex numbers in Stipple
ContinuousTimePolicyGradients.jl2A package for the development and implementation of continuous-time policy gradient (CTPG) methods.
TestTools.jl2Testing tools for the Julia programming language
Vensim2MTK.jl2A Julia package to import Vensim .xmile files as ModelingToolkit.jl models.
MRIGradients.jl2Julia version of MRI gradient descriptions and GIRF applications.
Spehulak.jl1GenAI observability application in Julia
DiscoDiff.jl1A small package for differentiable discontinuities in Julia.
StippleDownloads.jl1Donwload dynamically generated files with Stipple apps
PathWeightSampling.jl1Julia implementation of Path Weight Sampling (PWS) to compute information transmission rates
Aerosol.jl1Models of aerosol chemistry and physics using ModelingToolkit.jl
Hestia.jl1Simulation of heat conduction problems in multiple dimensions with boundary control.
SynapseElife.jl1Model associated to Elife paper Rodrigues et al. 2023
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
CZML.jl0Create CZML files in Julia
GenieCacheFileCache.jl0File system cache adapter for GenieCache.jl
StippleTypedArrays.jl0Add TypedArray support for Genie/Stipple apps
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
CiteDown.jl0Use URNs in markdown links.
GalacticPotentials.jl0Common galactic potential models as ModelingToolkit systems!
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
UnifyJustTheDocs.jl0Create a single markdown string from a web site organized using YAML headers from the `just-the-docs` theme.
MDInclude.jl0Include markdown files as Julia source code.
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