Dependency Packages
BiobakeryUtils.jl6A companion package for Microbiome.jl for working with the Biobakery family of computational tools
PulseInputDDM.jl5A Julia library for fitting DDMs to pulse-based evidence accumulations task data
Batsrus.jl5BATSRUS/SWMF Data Processor
PyCallJLD.jl5JLD support for PyCall objects
Retriever.jl5Julia wrapper for the Data Retriever software
PythonOT.jl5Julia interface for the Python Optimal Transport (POT) library
OlivePython.jl5Read and evaluate python in olive!
LeafGasExchange.jl5🍃 coupled leaf gas-exchange model
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
ModelicaScriptingTools.jl5MOdelica Scripting Tools - scripts that help to interact with modelica models through OMJulia and OMPython
JupyterFormatter.jl5A simple package to automatically format Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab cells using JuliaFormatter.
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
WandbMacros.jl5Julia macros for logging to Weights & Biases (
SlimPlotting.jl5SLIM internal plotting utilities
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
MeanFieldToolkit.jl4Package for solving generalized BdG mean field theory of interacting systems.
Wynn.jl4Wynn's Epsilon Algorithm for transforming symbolic SymPy expressions
RPkg.jl4Julia Style Package Manager for RCall users
PhylogeneticFactorAnalysis.jl4Julia package for automating phylogenetic factor analysis model selection
ElectronLiquid.jl4Effective field theory approach to the electron liquid problem
MonotoneSplines.jl4Monotone Cubic B-Splines (arXiv:2307.01748)
JupyterParameters.jl4Enable passing of arguments to Julia Jupyter Notebooks from the command line.
EcRequests.jl4Julia interface to mars and polytope services of ECMWF
EasySimauto.jl4Julia interface for Easy SimAuto(ESA) and PowerWorld Simulator
StableSpectralElements.jl4StableSpectralElements.jl: Provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods for conservation laws
SymbolicInference.jl4Probabilistic inference using the symbolic method.
Solaris.jl4Lightweight module for fusing physical and neural models
TensND.jl4Package allowing tensor calculations in arbitrary coordinate systems.
ParticleScattering.jl4A Julia package for solving two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from numerous particles
Pesto.jl4Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
MirrorUpdater.jl3Automatically mirror Julia package repositories
Wilkinson.jl3Toolkit for studying numerical analysis and floating point algebra round-off
Langevin.jl3Stochastic kinetic scheme for uncertainty quantification
Kwant.jl3Julia binding to kwant
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
JUDI4Cloud.jl3JUDI parallelism with Azure batch
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