Dependency Packages
LocalizationMicroscopy.jl1Julia implementation of code for manipulating data from single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) techniques
PlotMesh.jl1Simple mesh plot for JuliaFEM
PointEstimateMethod.jl1Package for the execution of the Point Estimate Method (PEM) with arbitrary number of representative points.
PoissonSolvers.jl1Poisson Solvers in 1D, 2D and 3D
Polarisation.jl1Julia package for doing polarisation calculations.
LimitOfDetection.jl1Estimate LoD from data
LighthouseFlux.jl1An adapter package that implements Lighthouse's framework interface for Flux
PolynomialsMutableArithmetics.jl1A Julia package that registers the Polynomial type from the Polynomials package with the MutableArithmetics package
PonchonSavarit.jl1A toolbox for the Ponchón-Savarit method for Julia
PooksoftAssetModelingKit.jl1Julia package for different types of asset return or price models
AnalyticalMethodValidation.jl1Method validation
PowerDynSolve.jl1Subpackage of PowerDynamics.jl providing the functionality to solve/simulate the built models
PowerModelsInterface.jl1Interface to PowerModels.jl using data in PowerSystems.jl format
KitePodModels.jl1Models of control pods of remote controlled kites
PQEcolaPoint.jl1Package holding options modeling and analysis codes
JordanForm.jl1An _educational_ implementation for computing the Jordan form and its transformation matrix.
JetPackDSP.jl1Jet Operators dependent on DSP.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
Iris.jl1FDFD code for scattering and spectral analysis of complex media
QEDevents.jl1[WIP] QEDevents.jl: Monte-Carlo event generation for QED.jl
QEDprocesses.jl1[WIP]: QEDprocesses.jl: Modeling of scattering processes for QED.jl
InternalFluidFlow.jl1A toolbox for internal fluid flow for Julia
InteractiveGPs.jl1Interface for fitting Gaussian processes
InstrumentOperator.jl1Collection of instrument line-shape methods for hyperspectral remote sensing
QuantumESPRESSO.jl1This package could handle the interaction with Quantum ESPRESSO software
QuantumESPRESSOFormatter.jl1Format Quantum ESPRESSO input files
QuantumESPRESSOParser.jl1Parses the input/output files of Quantum ESPRESSO to extract data
ImagineFormat.jl1Read .imagine files in Julia
ImageAnnotationsIO.jl1Julia package for handling image annotation I/O
QuasiCopula.jl1A Flexible Quasi-Copula Distribution for Statistical Modeling
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