A (relatively) simple Julia module for plotting PowerSystems.jl networks and making maps.
using Pkg; Pkg.add("PowerSystemsMaps")
using PowerSystems
using PowerSystemsMaps
PSM = PowerSystemsMaps
PSM.Plots.plotlyjs() # load the PlotlyJS backend
sys = System("system.json")
# create a graph from the system
g = make_graph(sys, K = 0.01)
# load a shapefile
shp = PSM.Shapefile.shapes(PSM.Shapefile.Table("municipalities.shp"))
shp = PSM.lonlat_to_webmercator(shp) #adjust coordinates
# plot a map from shapefile
p = plot(
fillcolor = "grey",
background_color = "white",
linecolor = "darkgrey",
axis = nothing,
border = :none,
label = "",
legend_font_color = :red,
# plot the network on the map
p = plot_net!(
nodesize = 3.0,
linecolor = "blue",
linewidth = 0.6,
lines = true,
#nodecolor = "red",
nodealpha = 1.0,
shownodelegend = true,
size = (1500,800),
buffer = 0.4e4