Dependency Packages
RigidBodySim.jl71Simulation and visualization of articulated rigid body systems in Julia
HighDimPDE.jl71A Julia package for Deep Backwards Stochastic Differential Equation (Deep BSDE) and Feynman-Kac methods to solve high-dimensional PDEs without the curse of dimensionality
QuantumCumulants.jl70Generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
WorldDynamics.jl65An open-source framework written in Julia for global integrated assessment models.
ModelPredictiveControl.jl63An open source model predictive control package for Julia.
CellMLToolkit.jl62CellMLToolkit.jl is a Julia library that connects CellML models to the Scientific Julia ecosystem.
AtomicGraphNets.jl62Atomic graph models for molecules and crystals in Julia
FMIFlux.jl55FMIFlux.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language, which offers the ability to place FMUs ( everywhere inside of your ML topologies and still keep the resulting model trainable with a standard (or custom) FluxML training process.
RobustAndOptimalControl.jl55Robust and optimal design and analysis of linear control systems
Sophon.jl54Efficient, Accurate, and Streamlined Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks
TORA.jl51Trajectory Optimization for Robot Arms
DeepEquilibriumNetworks.jl49Implicit Layer Machine Learning via Deep Equilibrium Networks, O(1) backpropagation with accelerated convergence.
SymbolicControlSystems.jl49C-code generation and an interface between ControlSystems.jl and SymPy.jl
MinimallyDisruptiveCurves.jl49Finds relationships between the parameters of a mathematical model
DiffEqPhysics.jl48A library for building differential equations arising from physical problems for physics-informed and scientific machine learning (SciML)
SpectralDistances.jl46Measure the distance between two spectra/signals using optimal transport and related metrics
ClimaTimeSteppers.jl46A CPU- and GPU-friendly package for solving ordinary differential equations
MomentClosure.jl44Tools to generate and study moment equations for any chemical reaction network using various moment closure approximations
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
Petri.jl40A Petri net modeling framework for the Julia programming language
SBMLToolkit.jl39SBML differential equation and chemical reaction model (Gillespie simulations) for Julia's SciML ModelingToolkit
BlobTracking.jl36Detect and track blobs in video
QuantumToolbox.jl35Quantum Toolbox in Julia
HierarchicalEOM.jl35An efficient Julia framwork for Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM) in open quantum systems
Plasma.jl34An interface for accelerated simulation of high-dimensional collisionless and electrostatic plasmas.
ModelOrderReduction.jl34High-level model-order reduction to automate the acceleration of large-scale simulations
PEtab.jl33Create parameter estimation problems for ODE models
ElectricGrid.jl31A time domain electrical energy grid modeling and simulation tool with a focus on the control of power electronics converters
DPFEHM.jl30DPFEHM: A Differentiable Subsurface Flow Simulator
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
SteadyStateDiffEq.jl30Solvers for steady states in scientific machine learning (SciML)
Controlz.jl30Simulation of simple controls problems in Julia
TrixiParticles.jl29TrixiParticles.jl: Particle-based multiphysics simulations in Julia
PDESystemLibrary.jl28A library of systems of partial differential equations, as defined with ModelingToolkit.jl in Julia
BioEnergeticFoodWebs.jl28A unified interface for simulations of the Bio-Energetic model on food webs
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
Ai4EComponentLib.jl27A component library based on ModelingToolkit
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
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