Dependency Packages
PhysiologyPlotting.jl1Plotting tools for ElectroPhysiology.jl
PowerDynOperationPoint.jl1Subpackage of PowerDynamics.jl implementing the operation point search incl. interfaces to external power flow solvers
MicroscopyTools.jl1A collection of microscopy tools
GRAPELinesearchAnalysis.jl1Analyze and debug LBFGS linesearch behavior inside GRAPE
ProximalMethods.jl1Provides proximal operator evaluation routines and proximal optimization algorithms, such as (accelerated) proximal gradient methods and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), for non-smooth/non-differentiable objective functions.
FluxExtra.jl1Additional layers and functions for Flux.jl.
PowerModelsInterface.jl1Interface to PowerModels.jl using data in PowerSystems.jl format
GMMParameterEstimation.jl1Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
DICOMClient.jl1Julia client for connecting to DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) servers by using the DICOMweb RESTful services
NonconvexMMA.jl1Method of moving asymptotes implementation for Nonconvex.jl
FixedPointSinCosApproximations.jl1Fixed point sin and cos approximations
MnemonicDiscriminationIndex.jl1Package for our new index of mnemonic discrimination
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
PPInterpolation.jl1Piecewise polynomial interpolation in Julia
CVaRRiskParity.jl1Algorithms for Risk Parity and Risk Budgeting portfolios for CV@R, using simulated scenarios
CountriesBorders.jl1Small package to extract coordinates of countries border
UlamMethod.jl1A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method.
EquilibriumMeasures.jl1Calculate equilibrium measures from potentials
RadialBasisFunctionModels.jl1Radial Basis Function Surrogates
SMLMMetrics.jl1Metrics for SMLM
EwaldSummations.jl1Implementation of standard Ewald2D and Ewald3D methods.
FEMMaterials.jl1JuliaFEM bindings to Materials.jl
BayesBase.jl1BayesBase is a package that serves as an umbrella, defining, exporting, and re-exporting methods essential for Bayesian statistics
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
SineFit.jl1Robustly and accurately fit monochromatic sine waves.
AcousticMetrics.jl1Calculate common acoustic metrics with Julia.
OliveImages.jl1Image files for olive
ModiaResult.jl1Abstract interface and base functions for simulation results
SMLMFrameConnection.jl1Frame-connection on localization microscopy data
BundlerIO.jl1Reading and writing Bundler files with Julia
ActinFriction.jl1A Julia package for simulating the dynamics of passively crosslinked actin rings.
ReverseMcCormick.jl1A reverse McCormick operator library
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