Dependency Packages
Oceananigans.jl962🌊 Julia software for fast, friendly, flexible, ocean-flavored fluid dynamics on CPUs and GPUs
ClimateMachine.jl451Climate Machine: an Earth System Model that automatically learns from data
SpeedyWeather.jl425Play atmospheric modelling like it's LEGO.
Rasters.jl206Raster manipulation for the Julia language
NCDatasets.jl146Load and create NetCDF files in Julia
ArchGDAL.jl141A high level API for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Circuitscape.jl128Algorithms from circuit theory to predict connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes
ClimateTools.jl116Climate science package for Julia
Wflow.jl115Hydrological modeling
ShallowWaters.jl115A type-flexible shallow water model that can run with 16-bit arithmetic.
NetCDF.jl115NetCDF support for the julia programming language
MagNav.jl101MagNav: airborne Magnetic anomaly Navigation
YAXArrays.jl100Yet Another XArray-like Julia package
ClimaAtmos.jl79ClimaAtmos.jl is a library for building atmospheric circulation models that is designed from the outset to leverage data assimilation and machine learning tools. We welcome contributions!
Tyler.jl71Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers
DIVAnd.jl70DIVAnd performs an n-dimensional variational analysis of arbitrarily located observations
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
GeoDataFrames.jl67Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL
MoistThermodynamics.jl58A package containing a library of moist thermodynamic relations.
Omniscape.jl58Functions to compute omnidirectional landscape connectivity using circuit theory and the Omniscape algorithm.
GeoArrays.jl51Simple geographical raster interaction built on top of ArchGDAL, GDAL and CoordinateTransformations
RadiativeTransfer.jl43A full end-to-end modular software suite for radiative transfer and related atmospheric analysis
ClimateSatellite.jl41Julia package that downloads satellite measurements and observational data
EcoSISTEM.jl41Julia package for ecosystem simulation
OceanBioME.jl40🌊 🦠 🌿 A fast and flexible modelling environment written in Julia for modelling the coupled interactions between ocean biogeochemistry, carbonate chemistry, and physics
ClimateBase.jl39Tools to analyze and manipulate climate (spatiotemporal) data. Also used by ClimateTools and ClimatePlots
GADM.jl38A Julia package for obtaining geographical data from the GADM dataset
ClimaLand.jl36Clima's Land Model
AIBECS.jl36The ideal tool for exploring global marine biogeochemical cycles.
ClimaLSM.jl36Clima's Land Model
EarthDataLab.jl33Julia interface for Reading from the Earth System Datacube
PhysOcean.jl27Utility functions for physical oceanography (properties of seawater, air-sea heat fluxes,...)
ClimaOcean.jl26🌎 Tools for realistic regional-to-global ocean simulations, and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce. Basis for the ocean and sea-ice component of CliMA's Earth system model.
ClimaCoupler.jl25ClimaCoupler: bringing atmosphere, land, and ocean together
Oceanostics.jl24Diagnostics for Oceananigans
DINCAE.jl22DINCAE (Data-Interpolating Convolutional Auto-Encoder) is a neural network to reconstruct missing data in satellite observations.
OceanRobots.jl22Analysis, processing, and simulation of data generated by scientific robots in the Ocean.
GeoIO.jl21Load/save geospatial data compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
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