Dependency Packages
AstroRepresentations.jl0Astrodynamical states representations and transformations.
WringTwistree.jl0Whole-message cipher and tree hash, Julia implementation
Ipaper.jl0Collection of functions for R users
StippleTypedArrays.jl0Add TypedArray support for Genie/Stipple apps
InvariantPointAttention.jl0Julia implementation of AlphaFold 2's Invariant Point Attention
InstantFrame.jl0Fast 3D frame structural analysis
IndexedFactorGraphs.jl0Factor graphs based on IndexedGraphs.jl
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
ImgCIFHandler.jl0Routines for handling imgCIF files containing raw data pointers
ImageHistogram.jl0Implement gray and colored 2d and 3d histograms of images.
IDSGraphs.jl0Julia package for reading and processing IDS files for CJK character decomposition.
StructureFunctions.jl0Calculate Kolmogorov Structure Functions quickly and efficiently
HmtDashUtils.jl0Utilities creating Dash.jl widgets working with Homermultitext project content
HighVoronoi.jl0A Julia Package for high performing parallelized computation of high dimensional Voronoi Meshes and Finite Volume problems
HierarchicalLogging.jl0Loggers, loggers everywhere
HerbInterpret.jl0Program interpreters for the Herb.jl framework
HerbGrammar.jl0Grammars for Herb.jl
HerbConstraints.jl0Constraints for Herb.jl
HDF5Logger.jl0Allows logging individual frames of data to an HDF5 file over time.
AnovaMixedModels.jl0Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with MixedModels.jl
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
SurfaceReactions.jl0This package is a part of RSim, however, may also be used as an independent package for the calculation of source terms from an xml mechanism input file
HCGeoTherm.jl0Geotherm calculation routines according to Dr. Derrek Hasterok and Dr. David Chapman
H5SectionsArrays.jl0Cutout arbitrary chunks from a serials of 2D image sections in hdf5 format
GridapDistributedPETScWrappers.jl0GridapDistributed Julia wrappers for Petsc library 🚧 work in progress 🚧
GreekScientificOrthography.jl0Implementation of an orthographic system for ancient Greek mathematical and scientific texts
Graphene.jl0A Julia package for graphene analysis
GModelFitViewer.jl0GModelFitViewer - web viewer for the GModelFit produced results
GlobalSearchRegressionGUI.jl0Global Search Regression GUI
GittinsIndices.jl0A julia package to compute Gittins Indices for Multi Armed Bandits
GenieCacheFileCache.jl0File system cache adapter for GenieCache.jl
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