Dependency Packages
Turing.jl2026Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
ModelingToolkit.jl1410An acausal modeling framework for automatically parallelized scientific machine learning (SciML) in Julia. A computer algebra system for integrated symbolics for physics-informed machine learning and automated transformations of differential equations
Symbolics.jl1353Symbolic programming for the next generation of numerical software
NeuralNetDiffEq.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
NeuralPDE.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
Optimization.jl712Mathematical Optimization in Julia. Local, global, gradient-based and derivative-free. Linear, Quadratic, Convex, Mixed-Integer, and Nonlinear Optimization in one simple, fast, and differentiable interface.
ApproxFun.jl537Julia package for function approximation
Catalyst.jl455Chemical reaction network and systems biology interface for scientific machine learning (SciML). High performance, GPU-parallelized, and O(1) solvers in open source software.
DataDrivenDiffEq.jl405Data driven modeling and automated discovery of dynamical systems for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
DiffEqSensitivity.jl329A component of the DiffEq ecosystem for enabling sensitivity analysis for scientific machine learning (SciML). Optimize-then-discretize, discretize-then-optimize, adjoint methods, and more for ODEs, SDEs, DDEs, DAEs, etc.
DiffEqOperators.jl285Linear operators for discretizations of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML)
RxInfer.jl260Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing
BAT.jl198A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
VoronoiFVM.jl194Solution of nonlinear multiphysics partial differential equation systems using the Voronoi finite volume method
TopOpt.jl181A package for binary and continuous, single and multi-material, truss and continuum, 2D and 3D topology optimization on unstructured meshes using automatic differentiation in Julia.
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
MethodOfLines.jl157Automatic Finite Difference PDE solving with Julia SciML
Kinetic.jl122Universal modeling and simulation of fluid mechanics upon machine learning. From the Boltzmann equation, heading towards multiscale and multiphysics flows.
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
ODEFilters.jl118Probabilistic Numerical Differential Equation solvers via Bayesian filtering and smoothing
SymbolicNumericIntegration.jl116SymbolicNumericIntegration.jl: Symbolic-Numerics for Solving Integrals
FunctionalModels.jl112Equation-based modeling and simulations in Julia
ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl112A standard library of components to model the world and beyond
Nonconvex.jl111Toolbox for gradient-based and derivative-free non-convex constrained optimization with continuous and/or discrete variables.
PowerDynamics.jl104Package for dynamical modeling of power grids
ContactImplicitMPC.jl102Fast contact-implicit model predictive control for robotic systems that make and break contact with their environments.
ReactiveMP.jl99High-performance reactive message-passing based Bayesian inference engine
MacroModelling.jl95Macros and functions to work with DSGE models.
ModelingToolkitDesigner.jl94A helper tool for visualizing and editing a ModelingToolkit.jl system connections
OrbitalTrajectories.jl83OrbitalTrajectories.jl is a modern orbital trajectory design, optimisation, and analysis library for Julia, providing methods and tools for designing spacecraft orbits and transfers via high-performance simulations of astrodynamical models.
EasyModelAnalysis.jl79High level functions for analyzing the output of simulations
ParameterizedFunctions.jl77A simple domain-specific language (DSL) for defining differential equations for use in scientific machine learning (SciML) and other applications
Pathfinder.jl75Preheat your MCMC
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
QuantumCumulants.jl70Generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
Turkie.jl68Turing + Makie = Turkie
TaylorDiff.jl68Taylor-mode automatic differentiation for higher-order derivatives
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