Dependency Packages
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
RDatasets.jl160Julia package for loading many of the data sets available in R
PProf.jl155Export Julia profiles to the pprof format
GeophysicalFlows.jl153Geophysical fluid dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
Queryverse.jl153A meta package for data science in julia
RayTracer.jl150Differentiable RayTracing in Julia
MLJFlux.jl145Wrapping deep learning models from the package Flux.jl for use in the MLJ.jl toolbox
PastaQ.jl142Package for Simulation, Tomography and Analysis of Quantum Computers
LatticeQCD.jl140A native Julia code for lattice QCD with dynamical fermions in 4 dimension.
Augmentor.jl138A fast image augmentation library in Julia for machine learning.
Starlight.jl138A greedy game engine for greedy programmers!
StatProfilerHTML.jl138Show Julia profiling data in an explorable HTML page
ConformalPrediction.jl135Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
NBodySimulator.jl128A differentiable simulator for scientific machine learning (SciML) with N-body problems, including astrophysical and molecular dynamics
DataVoyager.jl128Julia wrapper for the Voyager data exploration tool
VideoIO.jl126Reading and writing of video files in Julia via ffmpeg
Kinetic.jl122Universal modeling and simulation of fluid mechanics upon machine learning. From the Boltzmann equation, heading towards multiscale and multiphysics flows.
NPZ.jl121A Julia package that provides support for reading and writing Numpy .npy and .npz files
FluxTraining.jl119A flexible neural net training library inspired by
MultilayerGraphs.jl118A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
PerceptualColourMaps.jl117Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps for Julia
Eirene.jl116Julia library for homological persistence
Causal.jl115Causal.jl - A modeling and simulation framework adopting causal modeling approach.
ImageInTerminal.jl113Julia package for displaying images in the terminal using ANSI colors and Unicode characters
MRIsim.jl111Koma is a Pulseq-compatible framework to efficiently simulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The main focus of this package is to simulate general scenarios that could arise in pulse sequence development.
WordCloud.jl107Word cloud generator in julia
ProbabilisticCircuits.jl105Probabilistic Circuits from the Juice library
GridapDistributed.jl103Parallel distributed-memory version of Gridap
MIRT.jl102MIRT: Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (Julia version)
ContactImplicitMPC.jl102Fast contact-implicit model predictive control for robotic systems that make and break contact with their environments.
TensorBoardLogger.jl102Easy peasy logging to TensorBoard with Julia
Flux3D.jl1013D computer vision library in Julia
Mads.jl101MADS: Model Analysis & Decision Support
GaussianMixtures.jl98Large scale Gaussian Mixture Models
Braket.jl98Experimental Julia implementation of the Amazon Braket SDK
FundamentalsNumericalComputation.jl97Core functions for the Julia (2nd) edition of the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun.
ModelingToolkitDesigner.jl94A helper tool for visualizing and editing a ModelingToolkit.jl system connections
BetaML.jl92Beta Machine Learning Toolkit
OptimizationProblems.jl88Optimization Problems for Julia
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