Dependency Packages
ActinFriction.jl1A Julia package for simulating the dynamics of passively crosslinked actin rings.
UnivariateFunctions.jl1A package for simple algebra, calculus and evaluation of one dimensional functions. Can be used for approximation (splines, interpolation) and algebra.
NTNk.jl1Unsupervised Machine Learning: Nonnegative Tensor Networks + k-means clustering
ValueOrientedRiskManagementInsurance.jl1Examples calculations for the book "Value-Oriented Risk Management of Insurance Companies"
AutomationLabsExportation.jl1Advanced exports management for AutomationLabs.jl
AutoLandmarking.jl1This is a package for automated landmarking of images and volumes
JordanForm.jl1An _educational_ implementation for computing the Jordan form and its transformation matrix.
VisualSearchACTR.jl1Pre-attentive attentive vision
AstroIC.jl1Initial conditions of astrophysical simulations
ASDF2.jl1ASDF, the Advanced Scientific Data Format
RegressionDynamicCausalModeling.jl1A Julia package for estimating effective (i.e., directed) connectivity in large (whole-brain) networks.
ApproxMasterEqs.jl1This Julia package performs the numerical integration of two Approximated Master Equations on networks: the Cavity Master Equation and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation
Allocations.jl1Algorithms for fair item allocation.
ItemResponseFunctions.jl1A lightweight julia package providing basic implementations of item response models
SimpleRandom.jl1Collection of Julia functions to make random things
Simplices.jl1Compute exact simplex intersections in N dimensions.
Simpsons.jl1Statistics, Julia package: check data for a Simpson's statistical paradox.
ProximalMethods.jl1Provides proximal operator evaluation routines and proximal optimization algorithms, such as (accelerated) proximal gradient methods and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), for non-smooth/non-differentiable objective functions.
InteractiveGPs.jl1Interface for fitting Gaussian processes
PsychomotorVigilanceTask.jl1An implementation of the psychomotor vigilance task in Julia.
PQEcolaPoint.jl1Package holding options modeling and analysis codes
SineFit.jl1Robustly and accurately fit monochromatic sine waves.
InstrumentOperator.jl1Collection of instrument line-shape methods for hyperspectral remote sensing
PowerDynSolve.jl1Subpackage of PowerDynamics.jl providing the functionality to solve/simulate the built models
InitialMassFunctions.jl1Evaluation of and sampling from stellar initial mass functions
PhysiologyPlotting.jl1Plotting tools for ElectroPhysiology.jl
QBase.jl1A base library for quantum information.
QCDMeasurements.jl1Measurements for lattice QCD. This is intended to use in LatticeQCD.jl.
QEDevents.jl1[WIP] QEDevents.jl: Monte-Carlo event generation for QED.jl
MonteCarloMarkovKernels.jl1Some generic Markov kernels for Monte Carlo
ImageNoise.jl1Julia package that handles image noise
MonotoneDecomposition.jl1Julia package for the paper "Decomposition with Monotone B-splines: Fitting and Testing"
Hyperelastics.jl1Hyperelastic Material modelling with support for Automatic Differentiation
SMLMBoxer.jl1SMLMBoxer.jl is a Julia package that provides a fast and efficient method for detecting particles or blobs in a multidimensional image stack and cutting out sub-regions around local maxima.
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
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