Dependency Packages
ONNXNaiveNASflux.jl43Import/export ONNX models
SystemBenchmark.jl43Julia package for benchmarking a system
CoordRefSystems.jl42Unitful coordinate reference systems for geographic maps in Julia
GeometricMachineLearning.jl42Structure Preserving Machine Learning Models in Julia
FluxJS.jl42I heard you like compile times
TetGen.jl42Julia's TetGen wrapper
BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl42Boundary value problem (BVP) solvers for scientific machine learning (SciML)
MakieDraw.jl42Simple tools for drawing raster images, points, lines and polygons in Makie.jl.
Vizagrams.jl42Integrating diagramming and data visualization
NaiveGAflux.jl41Evolve Flux networks from scratch!
IterativeLQR.jl41A Julia package for constrained iterative LQR (iLQR)
EcoSISTEM.jl41Julia package for ecosystem simulation
IncompressibleNavierStokes.jl41Incompressible Navier-Stokes solver
ClimateSatellite.jl41Julia package that downloads satellite measurements and observational data
ChemistryFeaturization.jl41Interface package for featurizing atomic structures
ImageQuilting.jl41Fast image quilting simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
Jutul.jl41Experimental framework for automatic differentiation finite-volume simulators
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
NonlinearSchrodinger.jl40A suite of tools for solving Nonlinear Schrodinger equations via higher-order algorithms and Darboux transformations.
Peridynamics.jl40A Julia package for parallel peridynamics simulations
GPUInspector.jl40Inspecting GPUs with Julia
MeshCatMechanisms.jl403D Visualization of mechanisms and URDFs using MeshCat.jl and RigidBodyDynamics.jl
Petri.jl40A Petri net modeling framework for the Julia programming language
OceanBioME.jl40🌊 🦠 🌿 A fast and flexible modelling environment written in Julia for modelling the coupled interactions between ocean biogeochemistry, carbonate chemistry, and physics
ReadStatTables.jl39Read and write Stata, SAS and SPSS data files with Julia tables
QXTools.jl39Julia package for quantum circuit simulation using tensor networks
ActuaryUtilities.jl39Common functions in actuarial and financial routines
Silico.jl39Unified contact simulaton and collision detection
SBMLToolkit.jl39SBML differential equation and chemical reaction model (Gillespie simulations) for Julia's SciML ModelingToolkit
LaplaceRedux.jl38Effortless Bayesian Deep Learning through Laplace Approximation for Flux.jl neural networks.
PEPSKit.jl37Julia package for PEPS algorithms
DynamicHMCExamples.jl37Examples for Bayesian inference using DynamicHMC.jl and related packages.
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
Lindenmayer.jl37Draw Lindenmayer (L-Systems) recursive graphics
Glimmer.jl37A Julia package for UI development
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
Peacock.jl37Photonic crystals in Julia 🦚
ClimaLSM.jl36Clima's Land Model
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