A Julia package for solving constrained trajectory optimization problems with iterative LQR (iLQR).
$x_{1:T}$ : state trajectory -
$u_{1:T-1}$ : action trajectory -
$\theta_{1:T}$ : problem-data trajectory -
Fast and allocation-free gradients and Jacobians are automatically generated using Symbolics.jl for user-provided costs, constraints, and dynamics.
Constraints are handled using an augmented Lagrangian framework.
Cost, dynamics, and constraints can have varying dimensions at each time step.
Parameters are exposed (and gradients wrt these values coming soon!)
For more details, see our related paper: ALTRO: A Fast Solver for Constrained Trajectory Optimization
From the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:
pkg> add https://github.com/thowell/IterativeLQR.jl
using IterativeLQR
using LinearAlgebra
# horizon
T = 11
# particle
num_state = 2
num_action = 1
function particle_discrete(x, u)
A = [1.0 1.0; 0.0 1.0]
B = [0.0; 1.0]
return A * x + B * u[1]
# model
particle = Dynamics(particle_discrete, num_state, num_action)
model = [particle for t = 1:T-1]
# initialization
x1 = [0.0; 0.0]
xT = [1.0; 0.0]
ū = [1.0e-1 * randn(num_action) for t = 1:T-1]
x̄ = rollout(model, x1, ū)
# objective
objective = [
[Cost((x, u) -> 0.1 * dot(x, x) + 0.1 * dot(u, u), num_state, num_action) for t = 1:T-1]...,
Cost((x, u) -> 0.1 * dot(x, x), num_state, 0)
# constraints
constraints = [
[Constraint() for t = 1:T-1]...,
Constraint((x, u) -> x - xT, num_state, 0)
# solver
solver = Solver(model, objective, constraints)
initialize_controls!(solver, ū)
initialize_states!(solver, x̄)
# solve
# solution
x_sol, u_sol = get_trajectory(solver)
Please see the following for examples using this package: