Dependency Packages
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
SynchrotronKernel.jl2Julia implementation of the first and second synchrotron function
BarnsleyFern.jl2To generate Barnsley Fern patterns
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
WebToys.jl1Fun toys built on top of JuliaGizmos projects!
NTNk.jl1Unsupervised Machine Learning: Nonnegative Tensor Networks + k-means clustering
HmtFacsimileBuilders.jl1A Julia package for building static-page digital facsimiles of scholarly editions.
Allocations.jl1Algorithms for fair item allocation.
DICOMClient.jl1Julia client for connecting to DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) servers by using the DICOMweb RESTful services
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
HoloProcessing.jl1A package for digital holographic image processing
IceFloeTracker.jl1Julia package for ice floe tracker
Relationals.jl1Simple, fast access to relational data sources. Inspired by Rails ActiveRecord.
RomeoDFT.jl1Romeo Occupation Matrix Energy Optimizer for DFT
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
SMLMFrameConnection.jl1Frame-connection on localization microscopy data
SMLMMetrics.jl1Metrics for SMLM
SMLMSim.jl1Simulation of single molecule data sets
SMRPInversion.jl1Surface Magnetic Resonance Probabilistic Inversion
StatGeochemBase.jl1Some statistical, geochemical, and geochronological functions
AztecDiamonds.jl1A package for generating and analyzing Aztec diamonds
Supernovae.jl1Load Supernova Lightcurves
AutoLandmarking.jl1This is a package for automated landmarking of images and volumes
GrayCoding.jl1Algebraic Theory of q-ry Gray Coding. Encoding, Decoding, Some applications. See
HmtArchive.jl1Manage and analyze the Homer Multitext project archive
OliveImages.jl1Image files for olive
PhysiologyPlotting.jl1Plotting tools for ElectroPhysiology.jl
Taarruz.jl1Adversarial Attack Tool for Knet
BundlerIO.jl1Reading and writing Bundler files with Julia
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