Dependency Packages
LightOSM.jl47A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.
Dispatcher.jl46Build, distribute, and execute task graphs
SpectralDistances.jl46Measure the distance between two spectra/signals using optimal transport and related metrics
ClimaTimeSteppers.jl46A CPU- and GPU-friendly package for solving ordinary differential equations
ParticleFilters.jl45Simple particle filter implementation in Julia - works with POMDPs.jl models or others.
ExprOptimization.jl44Algorithms for optimization of Julia expressions
MomentClosure.jl44Tools to generate and study moment equations for any chemical reaction network using various moment closure approximations
NearestNeighborDescent.jl44Efficient approximate k-nearest neighbors graph construction and search in Julia
ImageFeatures.jl44Image feature detection for the Julia language
ClosedLoopReachability.jl44Reachability analysis for closed-loop control systems in Julia
Crux.jl43Julia library for deep reinforcement learning
RecurrenceAnalysis.jl43Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Julia
OperatorLearning.jl43No need to train, he's a smooth operator
GridapEmbedded.jl42Embedded finite element methods in Julia
BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl42Boundary value problem (BVP) solvers for scientific machine learning (SciML)
GridapGmsh.jl42Gmsh generated meshes for Gridap
Jutul.jl41Experimental framework for automatic differentiation finite-volume simulators
EcoSISTEM.jl41Julia package for ecosystem simulation
CrystalNets.jl41A julia package for the manipulation of crystal net representations and topology
ImageQuilting.jl41Fast image quilting simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
NonlinearSchrodinger.jl40A suite of tools for solving Nonlinear Schrodinger equations via higher-order algorithms and Darboux transformations.
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
Petri.jl40A Petri net modeling framework for the Julia programming language
TrafficAssignment.jl40Julia package for finding traffic user equilibrium flow
ActuaryUtilities.jl39Common functions in actuarial and financial routines
QXTools.jl39Julia package for quantum circuit simulation using tensor networks
SBMLToolkit.jl39SBML differential equation and chemical reaction model (Gillespie simulations) for Julia's SciML ModelingToolkit
RealNeuralNetworks.jl38A unified framework for skeletonization, morphological analysis, and connectivity analysis.
AstroTime.jl38Astronomical time keeping in Julia
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
Sole.jl37Sole.jl – Long live transparent modeling!
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl37Edge-weighted graphs compatible with Graphs.jl
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
LightGraphsFlows.jl36Flow algorithms on LightGraphs
LayeredLayouts.jl36Layered Layout Algorithms for Directed Acyclic Graphs
BlobTracking.jl36Detect and track blobs in video
QuantumToolbox.jl35Quantum Toolbox in Julia
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