Dependency Packages
QuantumACES.jl17Design scalable noise characterisation experiments for quantum computers
Enigma.jl17Enigma decode/encode and cracking
PSIS.jl17Pareto smoothed importance sampling
LITS.jl17Low Inertia Transient Simulation Toolbox for Power Systems
GLPKMathProgInterface.jl17DEPRECATED: Interface between the GLPK.jl wrapper and MathProgBase.jl
Empirikos.jl17Empirical Bayes estimation and inference in Julia.
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
ReactiveDynamics.jl17A Julia package that implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems.
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
ImageEdgeDetection.jl16A Julia package for determining image edges (up to subpixel precision) and ascertaining the gradient/edge orientations.
MeshIntegrals.jl16Numerical integration over Meshes.jl geometry domains
StochasticOptimalTransport.jl16Julia implementation of stochastic optimization algorithms for large-scale optimal transport.
LiftedTrajectoryGames.jl16A neural network accelerated solver for mixed-strategy solutions of trajectory games. Do you even lift?
SBMLImporter.jl16Import dynamic models in the SBML format into a ReactionSystem for Gillespie, SDE and ODE simulations
NighttimeLights.jl16Package to analyse VIIRS nighttime lights
MCHammer.jl16Monte Carlo Simulation and Business Analysis tools for Julia
McCormick.jl16A forward McCormick operator library
RadiationSpectra.jl16Toolkit for analysis of radiation spectra in Julia
BridgeSDEInference.jl16Inference for diffusion processes with the use of `Guided Proposals`
DeepFry.jl16Chaotic image processing tool
PkgToSoftwareBOM.jl16Produces a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) describing your Julia Pkg environment. SBOM is in the SPDX format
GIRFReco.jl16An Open-Source End-to-End Pipeline for Spiral Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Reconstruction in Julia
PhyloPlots.jl16Display utilities for phylogenetic trees and networks
StateSpaceLearning.jl16StateSpaceLearning.jl is a Julia package for time-series analysis using state space learning framework.
AtlasRobot.jl16URDF and meshes for the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot (v5)
QuantumPropagators.jl16Propagators for Quantum Dynamics and Optimal Control
HallThruster.jl16An open-source fluid Hall thruster code
KrigingEstimators.jl16Kriging estimators for the GeoStats.jl framework
GalerkinToolkit.jl16Finite-element toolbox in Julia
TMLE.jl16A pure Julia implementation of the Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation
AstrodynamicalModels.jl16Dynamical models used within astrodynamics and orbital mechanics!
SimpleANOVA.jl16Analysis of Variance for Julia, the old-fashioned way.
PowerFlows.jl16Collection of Power Flow solution methods based on PowerSystems.jl
AdaptiveRejectionSampling.jl16Julia package for fast flexible adaptive rejection sampling for log-concave univariate densities.
QuadraticModels.jl16Data structures for linear and quadratic optimization problems based on NLPModels.jl
PowerAnalyses.jl16Statistical power analyses in Julia
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