Dependency Packages
INMET.jl13Julia API to access data from the Instituto Nacional de Metereologia (INMET)
TightBindingToolkit.jl13Tools for general Tight Binding systems
BioProfiling.jl13A flexible Julia toolkit for high-dimensional cellular profiles
GenieAutoReload.jl13AutoReload plugin for the Genie web framework
Molecules.jl13Library that handles atom structures as XYZ files and properties derived from it.
GCIdentifier.jl13Tools to perform group contribution (GC) identification, given the SMILES of a compound
ThreeBodyProblem.jl13An astrodynamics package for working in the three body problem
GARCH.jl13Julia GARCH package
SmoothLocalProjections.jl13Julia implementation of Smooth Local Projections (SLP)
BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl13The Biochemical Algorithms Library in Julia
PostNewtonian.jl13Orbital dynamics and waveforms for binary black-hole systems, in the post-Newtonian approximation
VIDA.jl13EHT Image domain analysis through template matching.
PositiveIntegrators.jl13A Julia library of positivity-preserving time integration methods
CompositionalNetworks.jl13A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
ABCDMatrixOptics.jl13Implementation fo ray transfer matrix analysis for optical beams
PossibilisticArithmetic.jl13Julia package for performing rigorous arithmetic of Imprecise Probabilities with fuzzy numbers
BigArrays.jl13Storing and accessing large Julia array locally or in cloud storage without server.
FinEtoolsFlexStructures.jl13Finite Element tools in Julia: Analysis of flexible structures, beams and shells
PortfolioOpt.jl13Portfolio optimization
BibParser.jl13Parser for bibliographic formats, including BibTeX, in pure Julia
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
FHIRClient.jl13Julia client for connecting to FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) servers and building SMART on FHIR applications
FewSpecialFunctions.jl13Few special functions in Julia. Includes Clausen function, Coulomb wave functions, Debye function, Fresnel functions, Struve function, Hypergeometric functions, Confluent hypergeometric functions, Fermi-Dirac
TreeRecipe.jl13Plot recipe for plotting (decision) trees
POMDPStressTesting.jl13Adaptive stress testing of black-box systems within POMDPs.jl
ModeCouplingTheory.jl13A generic and fast solver of mode-coupling theory-like integrodifferential equations
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
EMpht.jl12[Julia Package] Fitting Phase-Type Distributions using an EM Algorithm
Neurthino.jl12Neutrino oscillation probability calculator
RobertoMD.jl12Massively parallel hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics (hPF-MD) simulation method in Julia
LPVSpectral.jl12Least-squares (sparse) spectral estimation and (sparse) LPV spectral decomposition.
Paillier.jl12A Julia implementation of the Paillier partially homomorphic encryption system
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
ARDESPOT.jl12Implementation of the AR-DESPOT POMDP algorithm
QSM.jl12Julia toolbox for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
Checkpoints.jl12A package for dynamically checkpointing program state
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