Dependency Packages
ProToPortal.jl13ProToPortal: The Portal to the Magic of PromptingTools and Julia-first LLM Coding
ProtPlot.jl13Protein ribbon plots implemented in Julia using Makie
BasisFunctions.jl13A collection of methods for manipulating various well-known types of basis functions and recombining them into more general dictionaries
SymbolicAnalysis.jl13Symbolics-based function property propagation for optimization
PhyNEST.jl13A Julia package for estimating phylogenetic networks from genomic data
SpmImageTycoon.jl13Organize Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM, STM, AFM) Images and Spectra.
ChargeTransport.jl13Drift diffusion simulator for semiconductor devices
EasyABM.jl13An easy to use Julia framework for agent based modeling.
RigidBodyTreeInspector.jl13Simple visualization for the RigidBodyDynamics.jl library
PersistenceDiagrams.jl13Persistence Diagrams in Julia
Molecules.jl13Library that handles atom structures as XYZ files and properties derived from it.
CategoricalDistributions.jl13Providing probability distributions and non-negative measures over finite sets, whose elements are labelled.
TightBindingToolkit.jl13Tools for general Tight Binding systems
MechanismGeometries.jl13Parsing and generation of 3D geometries for robot mechanisms in Julia
DiscreteChoiceModels.jl13Discrete choice/random utility models in Julia
IPMeasures.jl13Implementation of Integral Probability Measures in Julia
DimensionalPlotRecipes.jl13High dimensional numbers and reductions recipes for data visualization of scientific machine learning (SciML)
SeeToDee.jl13A small step for dynamics, a giant leap for SciML
ThreeBodyProblem.jl13An astrodynamics package for working in the three body problem
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
ModeCouplingTheory.jl13A generic and fast solver of mode-coupling theory-like integrodifferential equations
Hydro.jl13A modular hydrodynamic code written in pure Julia
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
PostNewtonian.jl13Orbital dynamics and waveforms for binary black-hole systems, in the post-Newtonian approximation
TidierCats.jl13Tidier analysis of categorical variables, modeled after the forcats R package.
UltraDark.jl13Simulations of cosmological scalar fields
PositiveIntegrators.jl13A Julia library of positivity-preserving time integration methods
PossibilisticArithmetic.jl13Julia package for performing rigorous arithmetic of Imprecise Probabilities with fuzzy numbers
SmoothLocalProjections.jl13Julia implementation of Smooth Local Projections (SLP)
AuditoryStimuli.jl13Generate audiory stimuli
PortfolioOpt.jl13Portfolio optimization
INMET.jl13Julia API to access data from the Instituto Nacional de Metereologia (INMET)
DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl13Package Information and Documentation
StructuralDynamicsODESolvers.jl13Numerical integration methods for structural dynamics problems
GraphMLDatasets.jl13A library for machine learning datasets on graph
GraphMatFun.jl13Computation graphs for matrix functions
POMDPStressTesting.jl13Adaptive stress testing of black-box systems within POMDPs.jl
GModelFit.jl13A data-driven model fitting framework
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