Dependency Packages
JavisNB.jl11Notebook integrations for Javis.jl
GasDispersion.jl11Gas dispersion models for modelling chemical releases
DynamicNLPModels.jl11NLPModels for dynamic optimization
CTBase.jl11Fundamentals of the control-toolbox ecosystem
MEstimation.jl11Methods for M-estimation of statistical models
JutulDarcyRules.jl11JutulDarcyRules: ChainRules extension to Jutul and JutulDarcy
Arrowhead.jl11Arrowhead and DPR1 eigenvalues
ImageMetadata.jl11Julia package for images having metadata
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
ModalDecisionTrees.jl11Julia implementation of Modal Decision Trees & Forests, for interpretable classification of spatial and temporal data. Long live Symbolic Learning!!
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
StrategicGames.jl11A set of functions in pure Julia for Game Theory
SimpleGraphAlgorithms.jl11Additional algorithms for the `SimpleGraphs` module that rely on integer programming
Sisyphus.jl11A high-performance library for gradient based quantum optimal control
TempestSDR.jl11Screen eavesdrop in real time leveraging SDR and pure Julia implementation !
SetIntersectionProjection.jl11Constrained optimization
Scheduling.jl11Julia library for scheduling
XSim.jl11Simulate sequence data and complicated pedigree structures
SDPA.jl11A Julia interface to the SDPA semidefinite programming solver
Trixi2Vtk.jl11Convert output files generated with Trixi.jl to VTK.
View5D.jl115 dimensional viewer support in Julia
WeightInitializers.jl11Weight Initialization Schemes for Deep Learning Frameworks
SoleData.jl11Manage unstructured and multimodal datasets!
YisyAIFramework.jl10A Keras-like experimental Deep Learning framework in Julia 1.6
SDPNAL.jl10A Julia interface to the SDPNAL+ solver
SwarmMakie.jl10Beeswarm plots for Makie.jl!
RobustAdaptiveMetropolisSampler.jl10A Julia implementation of the RAM algorithm (Vihola, 2012)
WeightedOnlineStats.jl10Weighted version of OnlineStats.jl
RvSpectML.jl10Better Radial velocities from Stellar Spectroscopy via Machine Learning
RiskAdjustedLinearizations.jl10Linearize dynamic economic models around their stochastic steady state
SQLdf.jl10SQL for Julia Tables |> DataFrame
SphericalHarmonics.jl10Associated Legendre Polynomials and Spherical Harmonics in Julia
Variography.jl10Variography for the GeoStats.jl framework
StaticMPI.jl10An interface for calling MPICH-compatible MPI implementations from standalone Julia executables
Vecchia.jl10Vecchia approximations for Gaussian log-likelihoods
TreeKnit.jl10TreeKnit is a package that infers Ancestral Reassortment Graphs for segmented genomes (typically, human influenza).
SymmetricTensors.jl10Framework for symmetric tensors
TabularTDLearning.jl10Julia implementations of temporal difference Reinforcement Learning algorithms like Q-Learning and SARSA
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