Dependency Packages
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
StateSpaceReconstruction.jl3State space reconstruction (SSR) for the study of dynamical system from time series.
StochasticBlockModel.jl3A Julia package for Stochastic Block Models
ChooseOptimizer.jl3Tool to select different optimization engines and set options.
CalibrationErrorsDistributions.jl3Estimation of calibration errors using Distributions.jl
SuccessiveConvexProgrammings.jl3Successive Convex Programming (SCP) algorithms
BoxCox.jl3Box-Cox transformation in Julia
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
TraitSimulation.jl3Simulate phenotypes from any GLM model
Basinhopping.jl3The basinhopping global optimization algorithm written in the Julia programming language
UnivariateDensityEstimate.jl3Univariate density estimation via Bernstein polynomials; able to model explicit combinatorial shape constraints.
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
NetworkJumpProcesses.jl3Julia package to facilitate the construction of JumpProblems on graphs.
MultiwayNumberPartitioning.jl3Solving a partitioning problem exactly
ExtendedExtremes.jl2A collection of extended Generalized Pareto distributions (EGPD) and related functions.
SignalingDimension.jl2Certify the classical simulation cost of black-box systems.
SIIP2Marmot.jl2This package connects PowerSimulation results to Marmot for plotting system results
DynamicBounds.jl2Bounds and Relaxations of Parametric Differential Equations
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
ReSHOP.jl2ReSHOP bindings for Julia
SimpleGraphConverter.jl2Convert between graphs defined in Graphs and SimpleGraphs
Vensim2MTK.jl2A Julia package to import Vensim .xmile files as ModelingToolkit.jl models.
DegreesOfFreedom.jl2Julia package for "Degrees of Freedom: Search Cost and Self-consistency"
GeoStatsModels.jl2Geostatistical models for the GeoStats.jl framework
AiidaDFTK.jl2Julia-side implementation of the Aiida plugin of DFTK
MixedModelsSerialization.jl2A staging ground for serialization in the MixedModels ecosystem
OOESAlgorithm.jl2A comprehensive julia package to optimize a linear function over the efficient set of a Bi-Objective Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem.
GeoStatsValidation.jl2Validation methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl2Compute and add convex (or concave) piecewise linear approximations of functions or a set of points to optimization models modelled in JuMP
GeoStatsViz.jl2Makie.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
Gershgorin.jl2Utility package for visualizing the Gerhsgorin discs of a matrix.
SCTransform.jl2Single Cell RNA-seq normalization using regularized negative binomial regression
Kinbiont.jl2Ecosystem of numerical methods for microbial kinetics data analysis, from preprocessing to result interpretation.
DataDrivenAcoustics.jl2Data driven acoustic propagation models
CVChannel.jl2A numerical library for evaluating the communication value of a quantum channel.
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
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