
Author brown-ccv
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2022

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Chamber.jl is a Julia package for simulating the eruption of a volcano using a model for the frequency of eruptions of upper crustal magma chambers based on Degruyter and Huber (2014). The package generates a CSV file and figures with the solution data for various variables over time.


To install the Chamber package, open Julia and use the package manager:

using Pkg


The main function in the Chamber package is chamber, which simulates the evolution of a magma chamber over time and returns a DataFrame with the solution data. The function takes the following arguments:

chamber(composition, end_time, log_volume_km3, InitialConc_H2O, InitialConc_CO2, log_vfr, depth, output_dirname; kwargs...)


  • composition: The magma composition. Use Silicic() for rhyolite composition (arc magma) or Mafic() for basalt composition (rift).
  • end_time: Maximum magma chamber evolution duration in seconds.
  • log_volume_km3: The initial volume of the chamber in logarithmic scale. The actual initial chamber volume is calculated as 10^(log_volume_km3) in km³.
  • InitialConc_H2O: The initial weight fraction of water in the magma (exsolved + dissolved).
  • InitialConc_CO2: The initial weight fraction of CO₂ in the magma (exsolved + dissolved).
  • log_vfr: Magma recharge rate in km³/yr calculated as 10^(log_vfr).
  • depth: Depth of the magma chamber in meters.
  • output_dirname: (Optional) Name of the output directory. Defaults to current timestamp.

Keyword Arguments

  • plotfig: (Optional, default: true). Generate and plot figures for each result if true.


A DataFrame containing the solution with columns:

  • time: Simulation timestamps (sec).
  • P+dP: Pressure (Pa).
  • T: Temperature (K).
  • eps_g: Gas volume fraction.
  • V: Volume of the magma chamber (m³).
  • rho_m: Density of the melt (kg/m³).
  • rho_x: Density of magma crystal (kg/m³).
  • X_CO2: Mole fraction of CO2 in the gas.
  • total_mass: Total mass of magma chamber (kg).
  • total_mass_H2O: Total mass of water in the magma (kg).
  • total_mass_CO2: Total mass of CO₂ in the magma (kg).
  • eps_x: Crystal volume fraction.


A directory named after output_dirname or the default value, containing the following files:

  • out.csv: A comma-delimited ascii file containing the solution columns listed above.
  • eruptions.csv: A comma-delimited ascii file. It is organized as follows:
    • time_of_eruption (sec)
    • duration_of_eruption (sec)
    • mass_erupted (kg)
    • volume_erupted (km³).
  • Figures for P+dP(t), T(t), eps_g(t), V(t), X_CO2(t), total_mass(t).


Example 1: Rhyolite composition (arc magma)

Run a simulation with silicic magma chamber:

julia> using Chamber

julia> # Define simulation parameters
julia> composition = Silicic()
julia> end_time = 3e9
julia> log_volume_km3 = 0.2
julia> InitialConc_H2O = 0.04
julia> InitialConc_CO2 = 0.001
julia> log_vfr = -3.3
julia> depth = 8e3

julia> # Run simulation
julia> dataframe = chamber(composition, end_time, log_volume_km3, InitialConc_H2O, InitialConc_CO2, log_vfr, depth)
470×12 DataFrame
 Row │ time            P+dP       T        eps_g       V          rho_m    rho_x    X_CO2     total_mass  total_mass_H2O  total_mass_CO2  eps_x    
     │ Float64         Float64    Float64  Float64     Float64    Float64  Float64  Float64   Float64     Float64         Float64         Float64  
   10.0        2.1582e8   1046.71  0.00558159  1.58489e9  2400.0   2600.0   0.346043  3.83394e12      1.54039e11       3.85098e9  0.146696
   2100000.0        2.15824e8  1046.71  0.00558131  1.58489e9  2400.0   2600.0   0.34605   3.83395e12      1.54039e11       3.85099e9  0.146696
   37.61993e5  2.15848e8  1046.71  0.0055795   1.5849e9   2400.01  2600.01  0.346101  3.83397e12      1.5404e11        3.85101e9  0.146698
 4682.98643e9  2.23399e8  1043.44  0.00559005  1.58782e9  2401.9   2602.06  0.33863   3.85078e12      1.54716e11       3.8679e9   0.167628
 4692.99643e9  2.23759e8  1043.43  0.00556433  1.58788e9  2401.99  2602.15  0.339346  3.85116e12      1.54731e11       3.86828e9  0.16766
 4703.0e9      2.23888e8  1043.43  0.00555519  1.5879e9   2402.02  2602.18  0.339601  3.8513e12       1.54737e11       3.86842e9  0.167671
                                                                                                                                   464 rows omitted

As noted, the chamber function returns a DataFrame containing the solution data with columns described above. Additionally, it automatically creates a directory named with the current timestamp (by default) to store the output files including figures and CSV data files.

Example 2: Basalt composition (rift magma)

Run a simulation with mafic magma chamber, with custom directory name "MyDirname":

julia> composition = Mafic()
julia> end_time = 3e9
julia> log_volume_km3 = 0.2
julia> InitialConc_H2O = 0.01
julia> InitialConc_CO2 = 0.001
julia> log_vfr = -3.3
julia> depth = 8e3
julia> output_dirname = "MyDirname"

julia> chamber(composition, end_time, log_volume_km3, InitialConc_H2O, InitialConc_CO2, log_vfr, depth, output_dirname)
458×12 DataFrame
 Row │ time            P+dP       T        eps_g       V          rho_m    rho_x    X_CO2     total_mass  total_mass_H2O  total_mass_CO2  eps_x    
     │ Float64         Float64    Float64  Float64     Float64    Float64  Float64  Float64   Float64     Float64         Float64         Float64  
   10.0        2.1582e8   1405.74  0.00139209  1.58489e9  2420.0   2900.0   0.859079  3.94439e12      3.94903e10       3.94903e9  0.149114
   2100000.0        2.15823e8  1405.74  0.00139197  1.58489e9  2420.0   2900.0   0.859081  3.9444e12       3.94903e10       3.94903e9  0.149115
   36.31887e5  2.1584e8   1405.74  0.00139134  1.5849e9   2420.0   2900.01  0.859088  3.94442e12      3.94905e10       3.94905e9  0.149122
 4562.98793e9  2.21924e8  1401.0   0.00139538  1.58945e9  2421.59  2901.91  0.856613  3.97744e12      3.98211e10       3.98211e9  0.17412
 4572.99793e9  2.22224e8  1401.01  0.00138474  1.58951e9  2421.66  2902.0   0.856745  3.97782e12      3.9825e10        3.9825e9   0.174241
 4583.0e9      2.22286e8  1401.01  0.00138255  1.58952e9  2421.68  2902.01  0.856772  3.9779e12       3.98258e10       3.98258e9  0.174266
                                                                                                                                   452 rows omitted

The output directory specified by output_dirname contains the generated files.

Example 3: Performing Multi-Dataset Computations

This function also allows you to perform computations for all combinations of input parameters(log_volume_km3, InitialConc_H2O, InitialConc_CO2, log_vfr, depth) specified by multiple datasets provided as vectors.

julia> composition = Mafic()
julia> end_time = 3e9
julia> log_volume_km3 = 0.2
julia> InitialConc_H2O = [0.01, 0.02]
julia> InitialConc_CO2 = 0.001
julia> log_vfr = -3.3
julia> depth = [7e3, 8e3]
julia> output_dirname = "MyDirname"

julia> chamber(composition, end_time, log_volume_km3, InitialConc_H2O, InitialConc_CO2, log_vfr, depth, output_dirname)
Output path: YOUR_PATH\MyDirname\vol0.2_h2o0.01_gas0.001_vfr-3.3_dep7000.0
Output path: YOUR_PATH\MyDirname\vol0.2_h2o0.01_gas0.001_vfr-3.3_dep8000.0
Output path: YOUR_PATH\MyDirname\vol0.2_h2o0.02_gas0.001_vfr-3.3_dep7000.0
Output path: YOUR_PATH\MyDirname\vol0.2_h2o0.02_gas0.001_vfr-3.3_dep8000.0

Notebook for Google Colaboratory

Open In Colab

API Documentation

API documentation for Chamber.jl can be found here.
